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LovInf ["If yet I haue not all thy loue,"]

But when I haue done soe
Some man his art and voyce to showe
Doth set and singe my paine,
And by delightinge many, frees againe
Grieefe, which verse did restraine.
To loue and griefe tribute of verse belongs,
But not of such as pleases when tis red:
Both are encreased by such songs.
For both their Tryvmphs soe are published,
And I which was two fooles, doe so growe three.
Who are a little wise the best fooles bee.|

A Louers Infinitenes.|

If yet I haue not all thy loue,
Deare I shall neuer haue itt all;
I cannot breath one other sigh to moue,
Nor cann intreat one other teare to fall.
All my treasure which should purchase thee,
Sighs, Teares, and Othes, and letters I haue spent,
Yet no more can bee due to mee,
Then at the bargaine made, was ment;
If then thy guifte of loue were partiall
That some to mee some should to others fall,
Deare I shall never haue thee all.[CW: Or:]