Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next imageThe 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 99 (p.270)

To the Honourable Knight Sir Robert

I had rather like the first best; not onely
because it is cleanlier, but because it re-
flects least upon the other party, which,
in all just and earnest, in this affair, I wish
avoided. If my Muse were onely out of
fashion, and but wounded and maimed
like Free-will in the Roman Church, I should
adventure to put her to an Epithalamion.
But since she is dead, like Free-will in our
Church, I have not so much Muse left as
to lament her losse. Perchance this busi-
nesse may produce occasions, wherein I
may expresse my opinion of it, in a more
serious manner. Which I speaker neither up-
on any apparent conjecture, nor upon any
overvaluing of my abilities, but out of a
generall readinesse and alacrity to be ser-
viceable and gratefull in any kinde. In
both which poore vertues of mine, none
[CW: can]

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