Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next imageThe 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 98, cont. (p.269)

farther therein since that time, your Lord-
ship might conceive new suspicions of me.
That your Lordships name was at all used
therein, or that any words of mine occasi-
oned such an errour in my servant, I am
so sorry as nothing but a conscience of a
true guiltinesse of having performed an in-
jury to your Lordship (which can never
fall upon me) could affect me more. But
I, who to the measure of my comprehen-
sion, have ever understood your Lordships
nobility and evenness, cannot fear that your
Lordship will punish an oversight, like a
crime: which should be effected upon me,
if your Lordship should continue your dis-
favour towards me, since no penalty could
come so burdenous to my minde and to my
fortune as that. And since the repose of
both consists in your Lordships favour, I
humbly intreat to be restored to your fa-
vour, giving your Lordship my faith in
pawn that I wil be as wary of forfeting it by
any second occasion, as I am sorry for this.
Yours J. D.
[CW: To]

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