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ElPerf ["Once and but once fownd in thy companie"]

Nor by the eies water call a Maladie
Desperately hott, or changinge feuourishly:
I had not taught thee then the Alphabet
Of flowers how they deuisefully being sett,
And bound vp, might with speechless secrecy
Deliuer arrands, mvtely, and Mutuallye:
Remember since all thy words vsd to bee
To everie Sutour, I if my freinds agree
Since howsehold charmes thy hvsbands name to teach
Were all the Louetricks, that thy witt could reach
And since an howres discourse could scarce haue made
One answer in thee. And that ill arrayd
In broken prouerbs, and torne sentences,
Thou art not by soe many duties his
That from the worlds common hauinge seuered thee
Inlayd thee nether to bee seene, nor see,
As myne which haue with amarous delicacies,
Refind thee into a blisfull Paradise
Thy graces and good words my creatures bee
I planted knowledg, and lifes tree in thee
Which oh shall strangers tast? mvst I alass
Frame, and enamell Plate, and drinke in glasse
Chafe waxe for others vales? breake a colts force
And leaue him then beinge made a ready horse?|


Once and but once fownd in thy companie
All thy supposd escapes are layd on mee
And as a theife at Barr is questioned there
By all the men that haue been robd that yeare.