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Annun ["Tamely fraile bodie abstaine to daie; to daie"]

If on these thinges I durst not looke, durst I
Vpon his Miserable Mother cast myne Eie?
Who was Gods Partner here and furnishd thus
Halfe of that Sacrifice which ransomd vs.
Though these things as I ride bee from myne Eie
They are present yett vnto my Memorie;
For that lookes towards them, and thou lookest towardes mee
O Sauiour as thou hangst vppon the tree.
I turne my back to thee but to receaue
Corrections, till thy Mercies bid thee leaue
O thinke mee worth thyne Anger, punish mee
Burne of my rusts, and my deformitie;
Restore thine Image, so mvch by thy Grace
That thou maist knowe mee, And ile turne my face.|

Vpon the Annuntiation when Good
Frydaie fell vppon the same daie.

Tamely fraile bodie abstaine to daie; to daie
My Soule eates twice: Christ hether and awaie
Shee sees him Man, so like God made in this,
That of both them, a circle embleme is,
Whose first, and last concurre: this doubtfull daie
Of feast, or fast, Christ came and went awaie
Shee sees nothing, twice att once, who is all,
Shee sees a Cedar plant it selfe, and fall,
Her maker put to makinge, and the head,
Of life att once, not yett aliue and dead;
Shee sees at once the Virgin mother staie
Reclusd att home, Publique att Golgotha [CW: Sad]