The Concordance
006.L54.0DL From %1Micham%2, my/ close prison ever/ since I saw you,/ %19 Octob%2.434
045.L54.060 that verse %1A negotio perambulante in tenebris%2, 3380
065.L54.072 any such use of the letter in verse, %1A nostre%2 4680
033.L54.010 Master in his %1A%2, another in his %1B%2, much 2280
025.L54.020 partly %1ab extrinseco%2, from the opinion of the 1654
058.L54.024 boy found at %1Abington%2 house. I have now 4244
006.L54.031 they call %1Actum reflexum%2, and %1iteratum%2, (for 256
006.L54.036 so of those which they call %1Actum reflexum%2 262
011.L54.063 ning it Frierly, %1ad Religiones factitias%2, (as 654
032.L54.024 cutorship to %1Adam%2, but also another for our 2232
044.L54.035 %1rome%2 accuses %1Adam%2 of no other fault in eating 3288
026.L54.P04 %1Kingdome of%2 Navar, %1after the Kings children, (if the 1814
035.L54.024 our B. Saviour to King %1Agabarus%2. The Ita- 2518
062.L54.058 ction of %1Aix%2 being not worthy this dili- 4484
054.L54.025 that M%5r%6 %1Alabaster%2 hath got of the King the 4000
051.L54.089 %1Albons%2 hath found so much favour as that 3740
018.L54.P19 %1Almighty God doth every thing suddenly and hastily,%2 1246
043.L54.0HE Octob. %1the%2 4%5th%6 1622. %1almost ad midnight%2. 3184
001.L54.027 them like %1Amadis%2 the %1Gaules%2 book, and tell 28
005.L54.090 world. %1Amen%2. 220
043.L54.058 in longer time. Here is room for an %1Amen%2; [p.137] 3244
056.L54.039 blesse you in all, %1Amen%2. 4178
066.L54.044 and enlarge his blessing to you all, %1Amen%2. 4752
084.L54.011 ends, and ways towards them, %1Amen%2. Your 5506
123.L54.014 sings; %1Amen%2. 7092
125.L54.012 graciously pardoned. %1Amen%2. 7188
011.L54.093 %1Amici vitia si feras facis tua%2, is true of such 684
096.L54.033 %1Amiens%2, though he know not me: and I 6206
092.L54.011 ter which Sir H. %1Wotton%2 writ to me from [cw:%1Amyens;] 5960
026.L54.009 yesterday from %1Amyens%2, I had one of the 1724
092.L54.012 %1Amyens%2; there is not a size of paper in the [p.254] 5960
011.L54.002 because it returnes into it self, what %1An%2- 592
041.L54.094 to advance her Marquis of %1Ancre%2, of whose [p.124] 2932
033.L54.055 said, %1Angusta innocentia est ad legem bonum esse%2: 2324
017.L54.011 pany. I can allow my self to be %1Animal socia-%2 [p.43] 988
011.L54.001 I%+F a whole year be but %1Annus ab Annulo%2, 592
025.L54.049 clusions, as %1Augustine%2 thought devout %1Antho%2- 1684
091.L54.041 through %1Antwerpe%2, and some parts of %1Hol-%2 5936
018.L54.P31 %1any thing be occasioned there, which concerns you, and%2 1258
079.L54.0DL 4 %1Apr%2. 1619. 5318
079.L54.001 T%+His first of %1Aprill%2 I received yours of 5244
083.L54.055 hath spent since the siege 250%5m%6 pounds. %1Ar-%2 5462
062.L54.009 at %1Lovaine%2 we met the E. of %1Arondel%2, to re- 4434
055.L54.020 that sicknesse be earnest at %1Ashby%2, and so I 4094
024.L54.P02 %1aske if he have this book%2, Baldvinus de officio 1628
031.L54.086 end of %1August%2. You shall do me much fa- 2180
038.L54.047 %1Micham%2, 15. %1August%2. 1607. 2744
091.L54.026 about the end of %1August%2. In my remotest di- 5920
025.L54.049 clusions, as %1Augustine%2 thought devout %1Antho%2- 1684
006.L54.112 S. %1Augustines%2 time, Grace had been so much 338
006.L54.117 %1Augustines%2 time also mans free will (by fierce [cw:opposi-]342
019.L54.039 %1Aurum Regina%2. And if M. %1Gherard%2 have [cw:no] 1302
051.L54.068 hath required a great part of %1Austria%2 for his [CW:security,]3718
017.L54.015 wit %1Averroes%2 says, that all mankinde hath 992
033.L54.010 Master in his %1A%2, another in his %1B%2, much 2280
046.L54.041 talked of %1Babylon%2 and Antichrist. Except it [p.145] 3438
012.L54.097 from Cardinall %1Baronius%2 to draw him to 802
062.L54.016 you about %1Bartholomewtide%2: But because I 4442
044.L54.049 of Sir %1Tho%2. %1Bartlet%2, I can say nothing, nor 3302
059.L54.044 %1Bartlet%2, who is present at the sealing hereof. 4300
077.L54.073 day morning, from %1Bartlet%2 house one brings 5118
031.L54.089 %1Bartlets%2: I shall come home in much igno- 2184
091.L54.031 large Letter to be left at my Ladie %1Bartlets%2 5926
031.L54.002 at %1Bath%2, or at any place of equall leasure 2096
074.L54.012 journey to the %1Bath%2, and from thence hither, [p.209] 4940
074.L54.017 %1Bath%2. I was no easie apprehender of the 4946
122.L54.003 Lord of %1Bath%2 and %1Wells%2, commanding 7046
124.L54.013 I have now put into my Lord of %1Bath%2 and 7112
014.L54.024 king it my way to the %1Bathe%2. If you find any 910
069.L54.016 my company to the %1Bathe%2; which journie, 4822
029.L54.040 if he be, %1Brunswikes%2 way is open into %1Baviere%2, 1980
051.L54.055 to the D. of %1Bavyer%2: but their forces were 3706
051.L54.064 thence into %1Spain%2. The D. of %1Bavyer%2 hath pre- 3714
041.L54.123 towards the younger son of %1Beaufort%2, that 2960
045.L54.P02 %1because I found not M%2%5r%6. Rogers, %1but left%2 3392
032.L54.040 tain me in the same room in my Lady %1Bed%2- 2248
040.L54.030 shall use that favour which my Lady %1Bed%2- 2822
068.L54.003 %1ston%2; through my broken casement at %1Bed%2- 4782
111.L54.0HE %1Bed-chamber.%2 6690
020.L54.043 La. %1Bedford%2, and therefore have nothing to 1396
026.L54.086 %1Bedford%2, your love and faith ought to try [cw:all] 1800
031.L54.093 afflicted my Lady %1Bedford%2 with few Letters. [cw:I] 2188
041.L54.138 more mannerly towards my Lady %1Bedford%2, 2976
046.L54.003 going to sup with my Lady %1Bedford%2, I found 3400
046.L54.049 have not found in them all (except %1Bedford%2) 3446
051.L54.022 day: and upon Tuesday my Lady %1Bedford%2 3672
057.L54.002 Lady %1Bedford%2 this inclosed, but be 4186
073.L54.012 L. of %1Bedford%2, thinking then I had had a co- 4914
074.L54.047 %1Bedford%2 house to informe my self of means 4976
078.L54.018 Of my Lady %1Bedford%2, I must say so much 5154
046.L54.019 my Lady %1Bedfords%2 journey, who goes with- 3416
051.L54.105 place, and %1Bedington%2, and %1Chelsey%2, and %1High-%2 3756
026.L54.P08 %1being Governour of%2 S. Jean d' Angeli, %1one of the%2 1818
019.L54.059 to my Lord of %1Belford%2, I beseech you ever 1322
054.L54.079 %1bert%2, who makes haste away, made me a [CW:present] 4054
057.L54.014 me, in giving me %1Blouham%2, is now likely to 4198
029.L54.038 dream) may so farre distress %1Bohemia%2, as 1978
051.L54.073 %1Hungary%2, then from %1Bohemia%2; and the losse of 3724
056.L54.015 elected King of %1Bohemia%2; which would cut 4154
077.L54.054 nestly that Mistresse %1Bolstrod%2 will not escape 5100
007.L54.0HE %1To the Noblest Knight S%2%5r%6. Edward Herbert %1L. of%2/ Cherbury; %1sent to him with his%2/ %1Book%2 Biathanatos.436
008.L54.0HE %1To S%2%5r%6 Robert Carre %1now Earle of%2 Ankerum, %1with my%2/ %1book%2 Biathanatos %1at my going into%2 Germany.462
042.L54.081 of %1Bouillon%2, and that he had accepted a pen- 3096
062.L54.074 ceived that the D. of %1Bovillon%2 brought to 4500
083.L54.042 %1Mansfield%2 came to %1Breda%2, and %1Gonzales%2, to 5450
083.L54.045 to %1Breda%2, and with him, all that he is able [CW:to] 5452
018.L54.P05 %1broke him; for when M%2. Hollands %1company by%2 [p.53] 1232
[cw:%1broke%2] 1230