What ere shee ment by itt, bury itt with mee;
For since I am
Loues Martyr, Itt might breed Idolatrie,
If into others hands, these reliques came;
As twas humilitye
To afforde to it, all which a Soule cann doe;
So tis som̅e brauerye
That since yow would saue none of mee, I burye som̅e of yow
The Apparition.
When by thy scorne O murdresse I am dead,
And that thou thinkst thee free
From all solicitation from mee;
Then shall my Goste come to thy bed
And thee faind Vestall in worse armes shall see;
Then thy sicke Taper will begin to winke
And hee whose thou art then, being tired before
Will if thou stirr, or pinch to wake him thinke
Thou calst for more
And in false sleepe, will from the shrincke
And thou poore aspen wretch, neglected then
Bathd in a cold quicksiluer sweate, willt lie
A verier Ghost then I
What I will say I will not tell thee now
Least that preserue thee, And since my loue is spent
I had rather thou shouldst painefully repent
Then by my threatenings rest still Innocent.|
Finis [CW: I fix]