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Martial ["Why this Man gelded Martiall I mvse"]

Why this Man gelded Martiall I mvse
Except him selfe alone his tricks would vse
As Katherin for the courts sake put downe stues|

Compassion in the world againe is bred,
Ralphius is sicke, the Broker keeps his bed.|

A Nocturnall vppon St Lucies
day beinge the shortest daye.

Tis the yeares midnight, and it is the daies;
Lucies, who scarce her selfe seauen howres vnmasks:
The Sun is spent, And now his flasks
Send forth light squibs, no constant raies
The worlds whole sap is suncke

The generall balme with Hidroptique earth hath drunke
Whether as to the beds=feete, life is shrunke,
Dead and enterred; yet all thes seeme to laugh,
Compard with mee who am their Epitaph.|

Studdie mee then, yow who shall lovers bee
At the next world, that is at the next springe
For I am every dead thinge
In whome loue wrought new Alchimye
For his art did express
A quintessence even from nothingnesse
From dull priuations and leane Emptinesse. [CW: Hee]