Each one his owne Priest, and one Sacrifice.
Who liue that Miracle doe mvltiplie
Where walkers in hott ouens doe not die
If in despight of this wee swim, that hath
Noe more refreshinge then our brimstone hath:
But from the Sea into the Ship wee turne.
Like parboyld wretches, on the coales to burne,
Like Bagazett encagd, the Sheapherds coff,
Or like slack sinewed Sampson his haire off
Languish our Ships. Now as a Miriade
Of Aunts, durst the Emperours loud Snake invade
The crawling Gallies, Sea iayles, finnie chips
Might braue our Venises, now bed rid ships
Whether A rotten state, and hope of gaine
Or to disvse mee from the queasie paine
Of beinge beloud, and louinge, or the thirst
Of honour, or faire death, out push mee first,
I loose my eand,[sp:sic] for there as well as I
A desperate may liue, and A coward die
Stagg, dogg, and all which from, or towards flies
Is paid with life, or pray, or doing dies
Fate grudges vs all, and doth subtly laie
A scourge, gainst which wee all forgett to praie
Hee that at Sea praies for more winde, as well
Vnder the Poles may beg cold, heate in hell.
What are wee then? how little more alas
Is man now, Then before hee was, hee was?
Nothinge for vs, wee are for nothing fitt,
Chance or our selues still disproportion itt.
Wee haue no power, no sence, no will, I lie
I should not then thus feele this Miserie| |