My mynde to scorne; and oh loue duld with paine
Was nere soe wise, nor well armd, as disdaine.
Then with new eyes I shall suruey thee, and spie
Death in thy cheekes, and darknes in thine eye,
Though hope bred faith, and loue; thus taught I shall
As nations doe from Rome, from thy loue fall.
My hate shall outgrowe thine, and vtterlie
I will renownce thy dalleance: and when I
Am the Recusant in that resolute state
What hvrts itt mee to bee excommunicate.|
Till I haue peace with thee, warr other men.
And when I haue peace, can I leaue thee then?
All other wars are scrupulous; only thou
O faire free Cittie, maist thy selfe allowe
To any one: in Flanders who can tell
Whether the master pres, or man rebell!
Only wee knowe that which all Ideotts saie
They beare most blowes, which come to part the fraie
France in her Lunatike giddines did hate
Ever our men, yea and our God of late,
Yet shee relies vppon our Angells well,
Which nere retourne, noe more then they which fell
Sicke Ireland, is with a strange warr possest
Like to an Ague, now rageing, now at rest
Which tyme will cure: yet it must doe her good
If shee ware purgd, And her head veine lett bloud
And Mydas ioyes our Spanish iournyes giues,
Wee touch all Gold, but finde noe foode to liue [CW: And]