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ElServe ["O let not mee serue soe as those men serue"]

But oh thou wretched finder, whome I hate
Soe mvch that I allmoste pittie thy State,
Gould beinge the heauiest mettall amongst all,
May my most heauie curse vppon thee fall.
Here fetterd Manacled, and hangd in chaines
First maiest thou bee, then chaind in hellish paines,
Or bee with forraine gold, bribd to betraie
Thy Countrie, and faile, both, of that, and thy paie
May the next thinge thou stoopst to reach, containe
Poyson, whose nimble fume rot thy moyst braine.
Or libells, or some interdicted thinge,
Which negligently kept, thy ruine bringe.
Lust=bred diseases rott thee, and dwell with thee
Itchy desire and noe abilitie.
May all the hurt which ever gold hath wrought,
All mischeifes which all deuills ever thought,
Want after plentie, poore, and gowtie age,
The plaugues of trauellours, loue, and mariage
Afflict thee; And at thy lifes latest moment,
May thy swolne Sins them selues to thee present;
But I forgiue. Repent then honest man;
Gould is restoratiue restore it than;
Or if with it thou beest loath to depart
Becawse tis cordiall, would twere at thy hart.|


O let not mee serue soe as those men serue
Whome honours smoakes att once, fatten and sterue
Porely enricht with great mens words or looks
Nor soe wright my name in their louinge books, [CW: As:]