Bee bound to one man, and did nature then
Idly make them apter, to endure then men?
They are our cloggs, not there one, if a man bee
Chaind to a Gally, yett the Gallies free.
Who hath a Plow=land casts all his seede there
And yet allowes his ground more corne should beare.
Though Danuby into the Sea mvst flowe
The Sea receaues the Rhene, Volga, and Po:
By nature which gaue it this libertie
Thou loust, but oh, canst thou loue it and mee?
Likeness glues loue: then if soe thou doe
To make vs like, and loue mvst I change too?
More then thy hate, I hate itt, rather let mee
Allowe her change, then change as oft as shee.
And soe not teach, but force my opinion
To loue not any one not everie one.
To liue in one land is Captiuitie
To rvnn all countries a wilde roaguerye
Waters stinke soone, if in one place they bide,
And in the Vaste Sea are worst putrified:
But when they kisse one bancke, and leauinge this
Neuer looke backe but the next bancke doe kisse,
Then are they purest. Change is the Nurcerie
Of mvsick, Ioye, life, and Eternitie.|
By our first strange and fatall interuiewe,
By all desires, which theirof did insue,
By our longe staruelinge hopes, by that remorce,
Which my words Masculine perswasiue force [CW: begott]