O cure this louinge madnes and restore
Mee to mee, thee my halfe, my all my more,
Soe may thy cheekes red outweare scarlet dye
And their white whitenes of the Galaxy,
Soe may thy mightie amazinge beautie moue
Envie in all weomen, and in all men loue
And so bee change, and sickness farr from thee,
As thou by comminge neere, keepst them from mee
Image of her whome I loue, more then shee,
Whose faire impression in my faythfull hart
Makes mee her medall, and makes her loue mee
As kyngs doe coynes, to which their stamps impart
The vallue. Goe, and take my hart from hence,
Which now is growne to great, and good for mee:
Honors oppresse weake Spiritts, and our sense
Strong obiects dull: the more the lesse wee see.
When yow are gonne, and reason gone with yow,
Then fantasie is Queene, and Soule, and all.
Shee can present ioyes, meaner then yow doe,
Conuenient, and more proportionall
Soe if I dreame I haue yow, I haue you,
For all our ioyes are but fantasticall;
And soe I scape the paine, for paine is true.
And sleepe which locks vp sense, doth lock out all [CW: After]