Sapho to Philænis
Where is that holy fire which verse is said
To haue, is that enchantinge force decayd?
Verse, that drawes Natures woorkes from natures law
Thee her best work, to her worke cannot draw.
Haue my teares quencht my old Poetique fire?
Why quencht they not as well that of desire?
Thoughts my mindes creatures often are with thee,
But I their maker want their libertie;
Only thyne Image in my hart doeth sitt,
But that is wax, and fires enuiron itt
My fires haue driuen, thine haue drawne it hence;
And I am robd of Picture, Hart, and sence;
Dwells with mee still myne irkesome Memorie
Which both to keepe and loose griues equallie
That tells mee how faire thou art: Thou art soe faire
As Gods, when gods to thee I doe compaire,
Are grast therby; and to make blynde men see
What thinges Gods are, I say they are like to thee,
For if wee iustly call each syllie man
A littell world, what shall wee call thee than?
Thou art not softe, and cleere, and strait, and faire
As Downe as Starrs Cedars and lillies are
But thy right hand, and cheeke, and eye onlye
Are like thy other hand, and cheeke and Eie,
Such was my Phao a while, but shall bee neuer
As thou wast, art, and oh, maist bee ever
Heere Louers sweare in theire Idolatrie
That I am such, but greife discolours mee; |