When hee that would bee good, is thought by all
A Monster, or at least phantasticall.
Since now yow durst bee good, and that I doe
Discerne dureing to contemplate yow,
That there may bee degrees of faire, Great, Good
Through your light, largnes, vertue vnderstood
If in this sacrifice of myne, bee showne
Any small sparks of these, call them your owne
And if things like these haue bin said by mee
Of others, call not that Idolatrie
For had God made Mann first, and had man seene
The third daies fruites, and flowers and various greene
Hee might haue said the best that hee could saie
Of those faire creatures, which were made that Daie
And when next daie hee had admird the birth
Of Sun̅, Moone, Starrs, fairer then late praisd Earth
Hee might haue said, the best that hee could saie
And not bee chid for praisinge Yesterdaie,
Soe though some things are not together true
As that another is worthyest, and that yow.
Yet to saie soe doth not condemne a man̅,
If when hee spoke them, they ware both true than;
How faire a proofe of this in our Soule growes?
Wee first haue Soules of growth, and sense and those,
When our last Soule, our Soule Immortall came,
Were swallowed into itt, and haue no name,
Nor doth hee iniure those Soules, which doth cast
The power and praise of both them on the last; [CW: Noe]