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HSSpit ["Spitt in my face yee Iewes and peirce my side"]

7 Spitt in my face yee Iewes and peirce my side
Buffet, and scoffe, scourge and crucifie mee
For I haue sinnd, and sinnd, and only hee
Who could doe none iniquitie hath died;
But by my death cannot bee satisfied
My sins which passe the Iewes impietie,
They killed once an Inglorious man, but I
Crusifie him dailie being now glorified,
O let mee then his strange loue still admire
kyngs pardon, but hee bore our punishment,
And Iacob came clothed in vile harsh attire
But to supplant, and with gainefull intent,
God cloathd himselfe in vile mans flesh that so
Hee might bee weake enough to suffer woe;

8 Why are wee by all creatures waited on?
Whi doe the Prodigall Elements supplie
Life and food to mee, beinge more pure then I,
Simpler, and farther from corruption?
Why brookst thou ignorant horse subiection?
Why dost thou Bull, and Bore, soe sillilie
Dissemble weakenes, and by one mans stoke die.
Whose whole kynde yow might swallow and feed vppon̅
Weaker I am, woe is mee, and worse then yow,
Yow haue not sinnd, nor neede bee timerous
But wonder at a great wonder, for to vs
Created Nature doth these things subdue
But their creator, whome sinn nor nature tied
For vs his creatures, and his foes hath died.