In yow, I should not thinke, or saie, they shine
(So as I haue) in any other Mine.
Next I confesse, this my Confession
For tis some fault thus mvch to touch vppon
Your praise to you; where halfe rights seeme to mvch,
And make your mindes sincere Complexion blush
Next I confesse my Impenitence; for I
Can scarse repent my first fault, since thereby
Remote, low Spiritts, which shall nere read yow
May in lesse lessons finde enough to doe,
By studyinge copies, not Originalls
Desunt Cætera
To the: C: of H:
Man to Gods Image Eue to mans was made,
Nor finde Wee that God breathd a Soule in her.
Cannons will nott church functions you invade,
Nor lawes to Ciuill office yow preferr.
Who Vagrant transitory Commetts sees,
Wounders because they are rare: But a new starr,
Whose motion with the Firmament agrees,
Is Miracle for there no new things are.
In Woman so perchance mild Innocence
A seldome Commett is, but actiue good
A Miracle, which reason scapes, and sense,
For art And Nature, this in them withstood