When all (as truth commands assent) confesse
All truth of yow, yett they will doubt, how I
One corne of one lowe Ant=hills dust, and lesse
Should name, knowe, or expresse, a thing so high
And not an, Inch measure Infinitie
I cannot tell them, nor my selfe, nor you;
But leaue, least truth bee endangerd by my praise
And turne to God who knowes I thinke this true,
And vseth oft, when such a hart missaies,
To make itt good: for such a praser praies
Hee will best teach yow, how you should lay out
His stocke of beautye, learning, fauour, blood,
Hee will perplex securitie with doubt
And cleere those doubts, hid from you, and showe you good,
And so increase your appetite, and food.
Hee will teach yow, that good, and bad haue not
One latitude in Cloysters, and in Court;
Indifferent there the greatest space hath gott
Some pitie is not good there: some vaine disport
On this side Sin̅e, with that place may comport.
Yett hee as hee bounds Seas, will fix your howres
Which pleasure, and delight may not ingresse
And though what none els lost, bee truliest yours,
Hee will make yow, what yow did not possesse
By vsinge others, not Vice but weakenes.
Hee will make yow speak truths, and credibly,
And make you doubt that others doe not so;
Hee will prouide you keys, and Locks; to spy,
And scape Spies, to good ends: And hee will showe
What yow may not acknowledge, what not know.