If ever either wrought in yow alone,
Or Principally, then Religion
Wrought your ends, and your waies discreation.
Goe thither still; goe the same waie yow went.
Who so would change, do couett, or repent;
Neither can reach you, Greate, and Innocent.|
To the Countesse of B.
Yow haue refind mee; and to worthiest thinges
Vertue, Art, Beautie, Fortune now I see.,
Rarenes, or vse, not Nature Value bringes
And such as they are circumstancd they bee
Two ills can never perplexe vs, Sinne to excuse
But of two good thinges, wee may leaue and chuse.
Therfore att court, which is not vertues clime,
Where a transendent height (as lownes mee)
Makes her nott bee, or nott show, All my Rime
Your vertues chalenge, which there rarest bee.
For as darke Textes neede Notes, there Some mvst bee
To vsher Vertue, and saie; This is shee.
So in the Countrie is bewty. To this place
Yow are the Season, Madam, yow the Daie
Tis but a graue of Spices, till your face
Awake them, and a thick close bud displaie. [CW: Widdowd]