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EdHerb ["Man is a lump, where all Beasts kneaded bee"]

Can vse his Horse, Goate, Woolfe, and every beast
And nott Asse himselfe to all the rest.
Els Man, not only is the Heard of Swine,
But hee is those Diuells too, which did incline
Them to a headlonge rage, and made them worse.
For Man can add Waight to heauens heauiest curse.
As soules (they saie) by our first touch, take in,
The Poysonus tincture of Originall Sin;
So to the punnishments which God doth fling,
Our apprehention contributes the Sting.
To Vs as to his Chickens hee doth cast
Hemlock, And wee as Men his Hemlock tast;
Wee doe infuse, to what hee meant for meate,
Corrosiuenes, or [4-em-space] cold, or heate
For God no such Specifique Poyson hath,
As kills wee know not how; his fiercest Wrath
Hath no Antipathy: but may bee good,
At least for Phisick, if not for our food.
Thus Man that might bee his pleasure, is his rod;
And is his Diuell, that might bee his God.
Since then our businesse is to rectifie
Nature, to what shee was, wee are led a wry
By them, Who man to Vs, in little show;
Greater, then due, no forme wee can bestowe
On him, for Man into him selfe can drawe
All; all his faith can swallowe' or Reason chawe
All that is filld, and all that which doth fill:
All the round World to man is but A Pill;
In all itt workes not, but it is in all;