Tis therefore well your Spiritts, now are placd
In there last furnace, in Actiuitie.
Which fitts them (Schooles and Courtes) and warrs ore past)[punct:sic]
To touch, and iest in any best degree.
For mee (if there bee such a thinge as I)
Fortune (if there bee such a thing as shee)
Spies that I beare so well her Tyrannie
That shee thinks nothing els, so fitt for mee.
But though shee partes vs, to heare my oft praiers
For your encrease; God is as neere mee heere
And to send yow what I shall beg, his Stayres
In length, and Ease, are alike every where.|
To: S:r: H: G: moving him too trauaile.|
Who makes the past, A patterne for next yeare,
Turnes no new leafes, but still the same things reades,
Seene things hee sees againe, heard things doth heare,
And makes his life but like a paire of Beades
A Pallace when tis that which it should bee
Leaues growing, and stands such, or els decaies;
But hee which dwells there, is not so for hee
Striues to vrge vpward, and his fortune raise.
So had your body her Morning, hath her Noone
And shall not better; her next change is Night;
But her faire larger Guest, to whome Sun and Moone
Are Sparkes, and short liud, claimes another right [CW: The.]