Suspitions boldnes to this place belonges,
And to haue as many eares, as all haue tounges
Tender to knowe, tough to acknowledge wronges.
Beleeue mee Sr. In my youths giddiest daies
When to bee like the Court, was aplaies praise
Plaies were not so like Courtes, as Courtes are like plaies
Then lett vs att these Mimique Antiques iest
Whose deepest proiects, and Egregious gests
Are butt dull Moralls of a game att Chests.
But now tis Incongruitie to smile
Therefore I end and bid farewell a while
Att Court; Though from Court were the better stile.|
To Sr H W many yeares since.
Sr. More then kisses letters mingle Soules;
For thus friends absent speake. This ease controules
The tediousnesse of my life: But for these
I could Ideate nothinge which could please
But I should wither in one daie, and passe
To a Bottle of haie, that am a lock of grasse.
Life is a voyage, and in our lifes waies
Countries, Courts, Townes, and Rocks, or Remoraes
They breake or stop all ships, yet our state is such
That though then Pitch they staine, worse wee mvst touch
If in the furnace of the raginge line,
Or vnder the aduerse ioy Poles thou pine;
Thou knowst two temperate Regions girded in, [CW: Dwell.]