Materiall crosses, then, and Phisick bee,
And yett Spirituall haue cheefe dignitie;
These for extracted Chymick Medcine serue,
And cure mvch better, and as well preserue.
Then are yow, your owne Phisick, or neede none,
When stild, or purgd by Tribulation.
For when that Crosse vngrudgd, vnto yow sticks
Then are yow to your selfe a Crucifixe.
As perchaunce Caruers doe not faces make
But that a way, which hid them there, doe take.
Lett Crosses soe, take what hid Christ in thee,
And bee his Image, or not his, butt Hee.
But as oft Alchymists doe coyners proue,
So may a selfe despising, gett selfe loue.
And then, as worst surfetts of best meate bee,
So is Pride issued from hvmilitie;
For tis no chyld but Monster. Therfore crosse
Your ioy in crosses, els tis double losse;
And crosse thy senses, els both they, and thou
Must perish soone, and to destruction bowe.
For if the Eie seeke good obiects, and will take
No cross from bad, wee cannot scape a snake.
So with harsh, hard, sower, stincking Crosse the rest:
Make them indifferent, call nothinge best.
But most the Eie needs crossing, that can rome
And moue to the others, the Obiects mvst come home.
And crosse thy hart: for that in Man̅ alone
Poynts downewardes, and hath Palpitation;
Crosse those deiections, when itt downeward tends,
And when itt to forbidden heights pretends. |