And yow frolique Patritiens;
Some of these Senators wealthes deepe Oceans
Yea paynted Courtiers, Barrells of others Witts.
Yea Countrye Men, which but your beastes, loue none,
Yea of those fellowships, where of hee is one
Of studdie, and place made strange Hermaphrodites.
Heere shine: This Bridegroome to the Temple bringe
Lo in yon path, which store of strawd flowers graceth.
The sober virgin paceth
Except my sight faile tis noe other thinge:
Weepe not nor blush, here is no griefe nor shame
To daie put on perfection, and a womans name.
Thy two leaud gates faire Temple vnfolde
And these two in thy sacred bosome holde
Till mistually ioynd, but one they bee;
Then may thy leane and hunger starued wombe
Longe tyme expect their boddies, and their Tombe
Longe after their owne Parents satten these
All elder claimes, and all could Barrennesse.
All yealdinge to new loues bee farr for ever
Never might these two disseuer
Allwayes, all the other may each one possesse
For the best Bride best worthye of Prayers and fame.
To daye putts on perfection, And a Womans name. [CW: Winter.] |