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ValBook ["Ile tell thee now, deare loue, what thou shalt doe"]

This booke as longe liud as the Elements
Or as the worlds forme, this all graud Tombe
In Cyphar writt, or new made Idiome,
Wee for loues cleargie only are instruments
When this Booke is made thus
Should againe the Rauenous
Vandalls and Goths invndate vs
Learning were safe, in this our vniuerse
Schooles might learne sciences, Spheres Mvsicke, Angels verse

Here loues Diuines (since all diuinitie
Is loue or wonder) may finde all they seeke
Whether abstract spirituall loue they like
Their Soules exhald with what they doe not see
Or doth soe too amvse
Fayth Infermitye, they chuse
Some thinge which they may see and vse
For though mynde bee the heauen where love doth sitt
Beawtye a convenyent tipe may bee to figure itt

Heere more then in their bookes may Lawyers finde,
Both by what Tytles Mistresses are ours,
And how Prerogatiue those rites deuours
Transferd from loue him selfe, to woeman kinde
Who though from hart and eies,
They exact greate subsidies
Forsake him, who on them relies
And for the cawse honor or consience giue;
Chymeraes raigne as they, or their Prerogatiue. [CW: Heere]