For I could mvster vp as well as yow
My Gyants, and my Witches too;
With as vast constancie, and secretnesse;
But these I nether looke for nor professe
Kill mee as woman; Lett mee die
As a meere man; doe yow but trie
Your passiue Valour, and you shall finde than
In that yow haue odds enough of anye man.|
The Relique
When my Graue is broke vp
Some second guest to entertaine
(For graues haue learnd, that Womanhed
To bee, to more then one a bed.)
And hee that diggs itt spies
A bracelett of bright haire about the bone,
Will hee not letts alone,
And thinke that there a loueing couple lies,
Which thought that this deuice might bee some waie,
To make their Soules att the last busie daie
Meete att this graue, and make a little staie?
If this fall in a tyme or land,
When misdeuotion doth command
Then hee that diggs vs vp will bringe
Vs to the Bishop and the Kinge
To make vs reliques, then
Thou shalt bee A Mary=Magdalen, and I
A some thing els thereby. [CW: All]