Oh staie, three liues in one flea spare;
Where wee allmost, yea more then married are,
This flea is yow, and I, and this
Our mariage bed, and marriage Temple is:
Though Parents grudge and yow were mett,
And cloystred in these liuinge walls of iett;
Though vse make yow apt to kill mee
Lett not to that selfe Murther added bee,
And sacriledge; Three sins in killinge three
Cruell and suddaine hast thou since
Purpled thy naile in blood of Innocence?
Where in could this flea guiltie bee;
Except in that drop, which it suckt from thee?
Yett thou tryvmphest, and saiest that thou
Findst not thy selfe, nor mee the weaker now,
Tis true; then learne how false feares bee,
Iust soe mvch honour, when thou yeeldst to mee
Will wast, as this fleas death tooke life from thee|
The Expiration.
So so breake of this last lamentinge kisse
Which sucks two sowles, and Vapours both awaie
Turne thou Ghost that waie, and lett mee tvrne this,
And lett our selues benight our happiest daie
Wee askt non leaue to loue, nor will wee owe
Any soe cheape a death, as sayinge Goe