Only let mee loue none, noe, not the sport;
From country grasse, to confitures of court,
Or cities quelques choses, lett report
My minde transport.
This bargaine is good, if when I am old, I bee
Inflamd by thee
If thine owne honor, or my shame or paine
Thou couett, most att that Age, thou shalt gaine;
Doe thy will then subiect and degresse,
And fruict of loue, loue, I submitt to thee;
Spare mee till then, Ile beare itt though shee bee,
One, that loues mee.|
Busie old foole, vnruly sun,
Why dost thou thus
Through windowes, and through curtaines call on vs?
Must to thy motions, louers seasons run?
Saucy Pedantique wretch; goe chide
Late Schoole=boyes, and sowre Printisses:
Goe tell court Huntsmen that the kynge will ride,
Cawll Country Aunts to haruest offices
Loue all alike noe season knowes, nor clyme
Nor howres, dayes, Monthes, which are the rags of tyme.