DigitalDonne: the Online Variorum

First-Line Index to B47

Stowe 962, British Library

Compiled February 10, 1999, by J. Syd Conner

In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc = noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.

This index last corrected 6-8-12.

Paradoxes B47.1-29 ff. 1-19    prose; section HE: Parradoxes p%P Iohn Done.|
                               prose; section HE: Problems.|
          B47.30-44 ff. 20-29v unclassified prose attributed to Donne by Beal; 
                               section HE: Charracters p%P Ioh%Me Done.|
          B47.45-47 ff. 30-31  1st-line indexes for the above sections
          B47.48-60 ff. 31v-39v unclassified prose and nc poems
nc        B47.61   f. 40r-v    HE Vppon the Lordes prayer.|
                               If any be distrest & fayne would gather
nc        B47.62  ff. 40-42v   HE Vppon the death of the Countesse of Rutland.|
                               I may forget to eate, to sleepe drinke, to sleepe,
nc        B47.63  ff. 42v-44v  HE An elegie on the death of the most leaarned Dr: 
                                  ffenton lecturer of Grayes Inn London%M.|
                               But am I suer[sp:sic] hee's deade? whom yet I soe
nc        B47.64  ff. 44v-45v  HE Ielousie.|
                               When you sit musinge (Lady) all alone,
nc        B47.65  ff. 45v-47   HE An Elegie on the death of the La. Haddington, who 
                                  died on[sic] the smale=pockes
                               Deare losse, to tell the world I greaue, were true;
nc        B47.66  ff. 47-48    HE The Earle of Southa%Mpto[%M] prisoner, and 
                                  Condem>c%>n<ed. to Q: Eliz:
Mark      B47.67  ff. 48-49    HE Vpon the death of the La: Markham%M.|
                               Man is the world and death the ocean
nc        B47.68  ff. 49-50    HE A paradox on a paynted face.|
                               Not kisses by Ioue I must & make impression
nc        B47.69   f. 50v      HE Loue in absence.|
                               Absence heare my protestation
nc        B47.70  ff. 50v-51v  HE Vpon the pin that choaked Mrs: Cotto%Mn%M.[sic?]
                               Giddy Pin, huswife, harlotrie, thinge, it,
nc        B47.71   f. 52r-v    HE A fayre womans partes.|
                               A prop%P peate that bares sweet bewties prise
nc        B47.72  ff. 52v-55v  HE Vpon the degradinge of Chancellor Bacon p%P parliame%Mt: A:o 1621.|
                               When you awake (dull Brittans) & behold
Storm     B47.73  ff. 55v-56v  HE A storme from the Iland voyage wth the Earle of Essex| 
                                  to his freinde.| Ben. Iohnson.|
                               Iohnson.[LM] Thou wch art I (tis nothinge to be soe)
nc        B47.74  ff. 56v-57   HE D:r Latworth on his death bedd
                               1.[LM] My god, I speake it from a full assurance
nc        B47.75  ff. 57-59v   HE The Country life.|
                               Thri>s%>c< e blest (my dearest freind) art thou
nc        B47.76  ff. 59v-61v  HE A younge gentleman to his father beinge offended at 
                                  his marriage she beinge poore.|
                               1.[LM] In thy weake flesh wt art thou man?
nc        B47.77   f. 61v      HE Songe.
                               Why should thy eies requite soe ill all others eies
nc        B47.78   f. 62       HE In prayse of ons Mrs:
                               Dearest, thy tresses are not thredes of gould
nc        B47.79  ff. 62v-63v  HE An Elegie on the death of the famous actor Rich: Burbage, 
                                  who died 13:o Martii A:o 1618:|
                               Some skilfull Lim%Mer healp me, if not soe,
nc        B47.80  ff. 63v-64   HE In the prayse of true loue.|
                               I aske not loue, but I aske reason wh>o%>y<
nc        B47.81   f. 64r-v    HE Good Counsell for a younge mayde.| >vide 194 & first /(staffe<
                               Each greedy hand doth catch to plucke the flower
nc        B47.82   f. 64v      HE Woman.| [subscribed to I:D:
                               Oh heauenly powers why did you bringe to light
nc        B47.83   f. 65       HE Woman p%P Eccho.|
                               Come Eccho thee I sum%Mon; tell me truly wts a woman.
SGo       B47.84   f. 65r-v    HE A songe.|
                               Goe & catch a fallinge starr,
nc        B47.85   f. 65v      HE A whore.|
                               Whates a whore? she is a dam%Med thinge
nc        B47.86   f. 65v      HE om
                               This angrie patch her husband scratcht 
                               [FYI, patch = fool; "perh. > It. pazzo" (cf. patsy?; Pozzo in
                               Waiting for Godot? -JSC)]
nc        B47.87  ff. 66-69    HE The censure of the Parliame%Mt ffart.|
                               Downe came graue Ancient Sr. Iohn Crooke
nc        B47.88  ff. 69v-70   HE Vppon a fayre Complexion a blacke hayre & a blacke eye.|
                               If shadowes be a pictures excellence,
nc        B47.89  ff. 70-71v   HE The morrall of Chesse=play%-
                               Two angrie kinges wearie of lingringe peace
nc        B47.90   f. 71v      HE Vpon the death of sir Wal Rawliegh.
                               Greate hart who taught thee thus to die?
nc        B47.91  ff. 72-75v   HE D:or Corbet to the honerable Lo: Mordant.
                               My lord. I doe confesse at the first newes
nc        B47.92  ff. 75v-77   HE In prayse of the letter O:
                               Runn round my lines whiles I as rou%Mdly shew,
nc        B47.93  ff. 77-78    HE Vppon striuinge for a kisse.|
                               My deare pigeon, my prettie mopp,
nc        B47.94   f. 78r-v    HE To my ingenious freinde the Satyrico: elegiacall author of 
                                  the most admired poeme called ye Lame%Mtac%Mon.| 
                               I know wch to admier thy wiser choyse
nc        B47.95  ff. 78v-79   HE Epitaphium Gulielim Shakspeare
                               Renouned Spenscer, a thought nearer lie
nc        B47.96  ff. 79-80    HE The Vniversitie Lame%Mt for the most disastorous intercallary 
                                  cold frustratinge the expectatione of greate Amurath.|
                               Emtie ayre, soone perishst[sic] sound
Will      B47.97  ff. 80-81    HE Testamentum.| Or Loues Legacie.|
                               Before I sigh>t%>e< %Y**%Z my last gaspe let me breath
nc        B47.98   f. 81       HE  ffragme%Mt.
                               Beleeue not him whome loue hath left soe wise
nc        B47.99  ff. 81-82v   HE On the death of the Lady Markham.
                               As vnthriftes greiue in straw for theire pawned beddes,
ElBed     B47.100 ff. 82v-83   HE An Elegie. or Vndressinge of ons mistresse.|
                               Come madame, come, all rest my powers defie
nc        B47.101  f. 83       HE A Childes Epitaph.
                               As carefull mothers do to sleepinge lay
nc        B47.102  f. 83       HE On a Courtier.|
                               He that >%Vat< Court will thriue, must oft become
nc        B47.103  f. 83v      HE [om]
                               Eyes looke off theres noe beholdinge
nc        B47.104  f. 83v      HE [om]
                               Loue, whereis[sic] thy dwellinge place?
nc        B47.105  f. 83v      HE [om]
                               What %Y*%Z can >I< farther be? what farther seeme?
nc        B47.106 ff. 84-85v   HE Vppon sir Walter Rayleigh[sic] Treason wth Lo: Gray Sr:
                               Walt, well I wott thy ouerweaninge witt
nc        B47.107  f. 85v      HE [om]
                               Callinge to minde mine eye went longe about
nc        B47.108  f. 86       HE Papist and Puritane
                               pap.[LM] If it soe should soe come to passe
nc        B47.109  f. 86r-v    HE [om]
                               There is no garden in princes bowers
nc        B47.110  f. 86v      HE [om]
                               If I freely may discouer
nc        B47.111 ff. 86v-87   HE Of women. Ianus.
                               The feminine is Counted ill
nc        B47.112  f. 87       HE Of women:|
                               All women by nature are called Eues
LovDiet   B47.113  f. 87r-v    HE Amoris Dieta.| p%P I.Dun.
                               To what a cumbersome vnwildines
Expir     B47.114 ff. 87v-88   HE Valedictio Amoris.|
                               Soe soe leaue of this last lamentinge kisse
nc        B47.115 ff. 88-89    HE Ad Conntissam Rutlandiae%L. 
                               Maddan[sic] soe may my verses pleasinge be
ElPict    B47.116  f. 89r-v    HE Elegy.|
                               Heare take my picture though I bid farewell,
Canon     B47.117 ff. 89v-90   HE Canonizatio.| [sic]
 [1st app]                     fforgodes[sic] sake hold yor tounge & let me loue
nc        B47.118  f. 90v      HE Vppon the death of M:rs Boulstred.
                               Stay view this stone, and if thou beest not such
nc        B47.119  f. 90v      HE [om]
                               Here do>e<th repose but in lamented wast
ValMourn  B47.120 ff. 90v-91   HE Vppon the partinge from his Mistresse.
                               As verteous[sic] men passe mildly away
nc        B47.121  f. 91v      HE An Epitaph.|
                               Wilt thou heare what man can say
Twick     B47.122 ff. 91v-92   HE Twitnam Garden.|
                               Blasted wth sightes[sic] & surrounded wth teares
BoulNar   B47.123 ff. 92-93    HE An elegie vppon the death of M:rs Boulstred.|
                               Language thou art to narrow & too weake
BoulNar & BoulRec appear conjoined, but are separated by (added?) slashes in both margins.
BoulRec   B47.124 ff. 93-94    HE [om]
                               Death I recant & say vnsayd by me
nc        B47.125 ff. 94-95    HE [om; follows BoulRec as if one poem]
                               death be not proud thy hand gaue not this blow
Sat2      B47.126 ff. 95-97    HE Satyre 1:[LM] %XAgaynst Poetes and Lawyers. I:D:
                               Sir though (I thanke god for it) I doe hate
Sat1      B47.127 ff. 97-99    HE Satyre 2:[LM] %XOn the Humorist.|
                               Away thou chaynglinge mo>**%>tl<ie humorist
Sat3      B47.128 ff. 99-100v  HE Satyre. 3.[LM] %XVppon Religion.|
                               Kinde pitty chokes my sp>l<eene, braue scorne forbides
Sat4      B47.129 ff. 100v-04v HE Satyre 4.[LM] %XOf the Courte.
                               Well I may now receiue & die, my sinn
Sat5      B47.130 ff. 105-06   HE Satyre 5.|[LM] %XOf the miserie of the poore suitors at Co>u<rt.|
                               Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe (muse) nor they
nc        B47.131 ff. 106-07   HE Satyre 6.[LM; descriptive HE om] 
                               Men write that loue & reason disagree
nc        B47.132 ff. 107-09   HE Satyre. 7.[LM] %XTo Sr: Rich: Smyth. 1602.|
                               Sleeple (next scotietie[sic] & true freindshipp
HWKiss    B47.133 ff. 109-10   HE A Letter.|
                     | more then kisses letters mingle soules
Mess      B47.134  f. 110v     HE A Songe.|
                               Send home my longe stray'd eyes to me
Flea      B47.135 ff. 110v-11  HE fflea.|[LM] %XThe flea.|
                               Marke but this flea & marke in this
LovDeity  B47.136  f. 111r-v   HE Loues Dietie[sic]
                               I longe to talke wth some old louers ghost
nc        B47.137 ff. 11v-12   HE The Earle of Pembrock
                               If her disdayne least chaynge in you could moue
nc        B47.138  f. 112      HE Answere.|
                               Tis loue breedes loue in me, & co*ld disdayne
nc        B47.139  f. 112      HE Vppon an Infant.
                               Here in this tombe inclosed lies
ElAut     B47.140 ff. 112v-13  HE An Elegie Autumnall.
                               No springe nor somer beautie >%Vhath<doth such grace
nc        B47.141  f. 113r-v   HE An Elegie to Mr[sic] Boulstreed. 1602.|
                               Shall I goe force an Elegie & abuse
nc        B47.142  f. 114      HE Sonnet.|[LM] %XOn the blessed Virgine Marie.
                               In that o Queene of Queenes thy birth was free
Lit       B47.143 ff. 114-18v  HE A Letanie. p%P I:D:|
                               ffather.|[LM] ffather of hi*%>hea>%Vuen< & him by whom
Cross     B47.144 ff. 118v-19v HE Of the Crosse.|
                               Since Christ imbrac'd the Crosse it selfe, dare I
nc        B47.145  f. 119v     HE Playinge for kisses.|
                               My loue & I for kisses playd
Lect      B47.146  f. 120      HE Shadowe.|
                               Stand still and I will reade to thee
nc        B47.147  f. 120      HE Vmbra.|
                               In midst oflife then least am I
ValWeep   B47.148  f. 120v     HE A Valediction of teares.|
                               Let me power forth
Dream     B47.149  f. 121      HE Dreame.|
                               [ind]Deare loue for nothinge >%Y*l*%Z%>le<sse then thee
Triple    B47.150  f. 121v     HE Songe.| Triple foole.|
                               I am two fooles I know
SunRis    B47.151 ff. 121v-22  HE Songe ad Solem.|
                               [ind]Busie old foole, vnruly sunn
Leg       B47.152  f. 122r-v   HE Songe.|
                               When I did[sic] last, and deare, I die
ValName   B47.153 ff. 122v-24  HE A Valediction of his name in the Windowe.|
                               [ind]My name ingraued herein
Broken    B47.154  f. 124r-v   HE Songe.|
                               He is starke madd who euer sayes
Curse     B47.155 ff. 124v-25  HE The Curse.|
                               Who euer guesses thinkes or dreames he knowes
Fever     B47.156  f. 125r-v   HE A ffeuer.|
                               Oh doe not die for I shall hate
Appar     B47.157 ff. 125v-26  HE An: Auspication.| Aparitione.| [RM]Vid: pag: 175.
                               When by thy scorne oh murdresse I am deade
SSweet    B47.158  f. 126r-v   HE Songe.|
                               Sweetest loue I doe not goe
LovAlch   B47.159 ff. 126v-27  HE Mum%Mie.|
                               Some that haue dep%P dig'd loues mines then I
Fun       B47.160  f.127r-v    HE The ffunerall.|
                               Who euer comes to sh>%Vr< owde me doe not harme
ElAnag    B47.161 ff. 127v-28v HE [om]
                               Marry & loue thy fflauia for she
ElPerf    B47.162 ff. 128v-29v HE Ellegie.|
                               Once & but once found in they company
nc        B47.163  f. 129v     HE [om]
                               As poore as Iobe he is let noe man doubt him
Bait      B47.164  f. 130      HE Sonnett.|
                               Come liue wth me & be my loue
Break     B47.165  f. 130v     HE Sonnett.
                               Tis true, 'tis day, wt though it be?
ElComp    B47.166 ff. 130v-31v HE Ellegie.|
                               A:[LM] As the sweete sweate of roses in a still
                               [Scribal A: or B: in LM shows which woman is discussed.]
nc        B47.167  f. 131v     HE [om; section HE is Ad Lectorem.|
                               Reader I warne thee the>%Vnow< the second time
Niobe     B47.168  f. 131v     HE Niobe.|
                               By Childrens birth & death I am become
Hero      B47.169  f. 131v     HE Hero. & Leader.[sic]
                               Both robd of ayre we both lie in one grounde
nc        B47.170  f. 131v     HE [om]
                               Age is deformed youth vnkinde
Phrine    B47.171  f. 131v     HE [om]
                               Thy flatteringe picture Phriscus is like thee
nc        B47.172  f. 132      HE A giust.|
                               That yor loue to me may neuer alter
nc        B47.173  f. 132      HE Replye
                               The iest is old the rope is newe
nc        B47.174  f. 132      HE [om]
                               She that is fayre they say shee'le doe
nc        B47.175  f. 132      HE [om]
                               Where riuers stillest runn deepe are the fordes
nc        B47.176  f. 132      HE Rawleigh one a Candle snuffe.|
                               Cowardes feare to dye but Courage stout
nc        B47.177  f. 132v     HE Posie of a ringe.
                               Not for this, but this for me esteeme,
nc        B47.178  f. 132v     HE [om]
                               He that is hot%Y*%Z in wordes his wordes discouer
nc        B47.179  f. 132v     HE [om]
                               Let not thy sadsightes the bellowes be hereafter
nc        B47.180 ff. 132v-33  HE The Crier.|
                               Good folke for gold or hier
ElChange  B47.181  f. 133r-v   HE Elligie.|
                               Allthough thy hand & fayth & good workes too
ElWar     B47.182 ff. 133v-34v HE [om]
                               Till I haue peace wth thee warr other men
ElFatal   B47.183 ff. 134v-35v HE Ellegie.
                               By or first straynge & fatall enterveiwe
ElPart    B47.184 ff. 135v-37v HE [om]
                               Since she must goe & I must mourne come night
nc        B47.185 ff. 137v-39  HE An Ellegie on the death of the fayre and vertuouse 
                                  La: Penelope, late La: Clyston.
                               Since thou art deade Clysten the world may see
nc        B47.186 ff. 139v-40v HE The Vsury of time. to his M:rs
                               Let natures fooles made out of sullen earth
nc        B47.187  f. 140v     HE [om]
                               Marriadge as old men note, hath likned bene
nc        B47.188  f. 141r-v   HE [om]
                               Like to the damaske rose you see
nc        B47.189 ff. 141v-42v HE Clora.|
                               Draw not to neare vnlesse you dropp a teare
nc        B47.190 ff. 142v-43  HE N:o 1623.
                               Religion thou most sacred power on ea>t%>r<th
nc        B47.191  f. 143v     HE Vppon the Death of Codwick Duke of Richmond Who died soddenly that 
                                  morninge he was to goe wth the kinge to Parliame%Mt i6:o ffebr: A:o 1623.
                               Steward by name, by office by Accompt
nc        B47.192  f. 143v     HE Alter.
                               Are all diseases dead? or will death say?
nc        B47.193  f. 144      HE Howerglasse.|
                               Doe but Consider this small dust
nc        B47.194  f. 144      HE Margaret Austen: Anna%Mg: gett vs a rare man.|
                               To liue a mayde I haue done wt. I cann
nc        B47.195  f. 144      HE Vltra posse non est esse.| [might not be a HE]
                               An old mans loue vnto a watch is like
nc        B47.196  f. 144v     HE A marie=gold.|
                               Mary thy name of all names is the best
nc        B47.197 ff. 144v-46  HE The fiue Sences.| 1623.
                               Seeinge.[LM] ffrom such a face whose excellence
nc        B47.198  f. 146r-v   HE On a greate mans fall: L: C: Lo: Tr: 1624.
                               The base on wch mans greatnesse firmest standes
nc        B47.199 ff. 146v-47  HE The boddy.|
                               Sittinge and readdy to be drawne
nc        B47.200 ff. 147-51   HE The ffrench Progresse.|
                               I went from England in to ffrance
nc        B47.201  f. 151      HE [om]
                               Nature in this smalle voll>*%>u< me was about
nc        B47.202  f. 151      HE [om]
                               He that to womans fickle loue doth trust
nc        B47.203 ff. 151-55   HE Verses made vppon the death of Henry Prince of Wales &c: p%P  
                                  Ar: Man=/neringe k:t & sent to his deare freinde E: V: kt:
                               Prologue.|[LM] To thee as Knowinge best my hart
Pyr       B47.204  f. 155      HE Pyramus & Thisbie
                               Two by themselues each other, loue & feare,
Beggar    B47.205  f. 155      HE A lame begger.
                               I am vnable yonder begger cries
Ship      B47.206  f. 155v     HE A burnt shipp.|
                               Out of a fired shipp wch by the>%Vnoe< way
Wall      B47.207  f. 155v     HE ffall of a wall.
                               Vnder an vndermin'de & shott bruised wall
Antiq     B47.208  f. 155v     HE Antiquarie.
                               If in his studdie he hath soe much Care
Martial   B47.209  f. 155v     HE Raderus.
                               Why this man gelded Martiall I muse
Merc      B47.210  f. 156      HE Mercurius Gall=Belgicus.|
                               Like Esops fellow slaues, o Mercurie
Calm      B47.211 ff. 156-57   HE The Calme.|
                               Our storme is past: And yt stormes Tyrannous rage
nc        B47.212  f. 157r-v   HE A parradox.
                               Who soe termes loue a fire, may like a poett
GoodM     B47.213 ff. 157v-58  HE The good morrow.
                               I wounder by my troth what thou, & I
Para      B47.214  f. 158      HE [om]
                               Noe louer sayth I loue, nor any other
Commun    B47.215  f. 158v     HE [om] 
                               1.[LM] Good we must loue, & must hate ill
nc        B47.216  f. 158v     HE [om]
                               To god. to prince. wife. kindred. freinde. ye poore.
WomCon    B47.217  f. 159      HE Womas[sic] Constancie.|
                               Now thou hast lu'd me on[sic] whole day
Blos      B47.219 ff. 159-60   HE The blossome.
                               [ind]Little thinkst thou poore flower
Prim      B47.220  f. 160r-v   HE The Primerose.
                               [ind]Vppon this primerose hill
Compu     B47.221  f. 160v     HE The Computatione.
                               ffor the first twentie yeares since yeasterday
Dissol    B47.222  f. 161      HE The Dissolution
                               Shees dead; and all wch dye,
Witch     B47.223  f. 161v     HE Witchcraft by a picture.
                               I fix mine eye on thine, & there
Jet       B47.224 ff. 161v-62  HE A Ieat ringe sent.
                               [ind]Thou art not soe black as my hart
Ind       B47.225  f. 162r-v   HE The Indifferent.
                               I can loue both fayre and browne
LovGrow   B47.226 ff. 162v-63  HE Loues groathe.|
                               I scarce beleeue my loue to be soe pure
Prohib    B47.227  f. 163      HE The Prohibtione[sic] [ll. 1-4, 6-16; ll. 17-24 on f. 212]
                               [ind]Take heed of lovinge me
Anniv     B47.228 ff. 163v-64  HE The Annivrsarie.|
                               [ind]All kinges & all theire fauorites
TWHence   B47.229  f. 164      HE [om; ascribed [I]:R: in LM at l. 1]
                               Sir at once from hence my lines & I dep%Pt
nc        B47.230  f. 164      HE [om]
                               Aprill is in my mistresse face,
nc        B47.231  f. 164v     HE Songe.
                               I am a younge and harme%Y*%Zlesse mayde
nc        B47.232  f. 165r-v   HE On k: Ia: death.
                               Those that haue eyes now wake[var:>wayle<] & weepe,
nc        B47.233  f. 165v     HE The Popes | Pater noster
                               Papa pater qui es in Roma, maledictu%M sit no=/men
nc        B47.234  f. 165v     HE On a lame=mans horse.
                               Heare lies a horse that dyed, butt
nc        B47.235  f. 166      HE Vppon k: Iames his death. ffragme%Mt.
                               Was neuer March soe moyst, had heauen refrayned?
nc        B47.236  f. 166      HE Of the Vnion.
                               Neuer was Contract better driuen of f%Y*%Zate
nc        B47.237  f. 166v     HE [om]
                               Sextus vppon a sp>l<eene did rashly sware
nc        B47.238  f. 166v     HE Vppon one Munday
                               The times are strangely chayng>e%>'<d a pox of wordly[sic] pelfe
nc        B47.239  f. 166v     HE [om]
                               Weomen complayne they neuer are at ease
nc        B47.240  f. 166v     HE [om]
                               She that will kisse & doe noe more
nc        B47.241  f. 166v     HE In Nio%Mbem turn'd to a stone.
                               Here lies a Tombe & carcasse both togeather
nc        B47.242  f. 167      HE [om]
                               The golden meane both rich & poore d*****>%Vadmire< it
nc        B47.243  f. 167      HE [om]
                               If any aske why ffortune beinge blinde
nc        B47.244  f. 167      HE [om]
                               A mayden fayre I dare not wedd
nc        B47.245  f. 167r-v   HE Vppon Q: Eliz: death
                               Weepe (greatest Ile) & for thy M:rs death
nc        B47.246  f. 167v     HE Wife.
                               The double W: is double wealthe
nc        B47.247  f. 167v     HE Answere.|
                               The double W: is double woe
Token     B47.248 ff. 167v-68  HE To his mistresse
                               Send me some token yt my hart may liue
nc        B47.249  f. 168      HE Songe.
                               ffier fier loe here I burne in such desier
nc        B47.250  f. 168v     HE Songe.
                               Thoughtes doe not vex me whil'st I sleepe
nc        B47.251  f. 168v     HE Songe.|
                               Eyes gaze noe more as yet you may,
nc        B47.252  f. 169      HE p%Ps 2.a
                               But since myne eyes will not obay
nc        B47.253  f. 169      HE Songe
                               If when I dye to hells eternall shade
nc        B47.254  f. 169r-v   HE Of Mortalitie.|
                               The world's a bubble, & the life of man
nc        B47.255  f. 169v     HE Prison.|
                               A prison is a place of Caues
nc        B47.256  f. 170      HE [om]
                               O faythlesse world, & thy most faythlesse p%Pt
nc        B47.257  f. 170v     HE [om]
                               Disdayne me still yt I may euer loue
nc        B47.258 ff. 170v-71  HE [om]
                               And wilt yo[sic] goe and leaueme heare
nc        B47.259  f. 171      HE Amare= /Placere= /Studere= /Ambire=
                               To loue,'s[sic] to runn a maze of hopes & feare
          B47.260-306 ff. 171-86   nc poems in the same vein as the foregoing
Canon     B47.307 ff. 186v-87  HE [om]
 [2d app]                      ffor godes sake hold yor peace & let me loue,
Image     B47.308  f. 187r-v   HE [om]
                               Image of her whom I loue more then she
LovInf    B47.309 ff. 187v-88  HE [om]
                               If yet I haue not all thy>your< loue
Air       B47.310  f. 188v     HE [om]
                               Twice or thrice had I loued thee
ElNat     B47.311  f. 189r-v   HE El
                               Natures lay Ideote I taught the to loue
Relic     B47.312  f. 189v-90  HE The Relique.|.
                               When my graue is broken vpp agayne
nc        B47.313  f. 190r-v   HE [om]
                               To liue devoyde of care, you must not allwayes shoote
Fare      B47.314 ff. 190v-91  HE ffarewell to loue.|
                               [ind]Whilst yet to proue
nc        B47.315  f. 191v     HE Vppon an inhibic%Mone of frequentinge /a gentlewomans Chamber.|
                               Aye me (hard fates) is it yor iust decree
nc        B47.316  f. 192      HE [om]
                               Is;[sic] I could loue if I could finde
nc        B47.317  f. 192r-v   HE A Dumpe by sir E:D:
                               Devide my times and rate my wretched howers
                  ff. 193-206v noncanonical miscellany
nc        B47.333  f. 207      HE A Lady to her Louer.|
                               Though I seeme straynge (sweete freinde) doe yu not soe
nc        B47.334 ff. 207v-08  HE The peratione of Musicke.
                               A:[LM] Come wth[sic] or voyces let vs warr
nc        B47.335  f. 208      HE Vppon a CoblerShoemaker
                               Come heither reade my gentle freinde
BedfCab   B47.336  f. 208      HE Epitaph.   [ll. 1-6 only]
                               Maddam.|[LM] That I might make yor Cabinett my tombe
LovUsury  B47.337  f. 208v     HE [om]
                               ffor euery hower that thou wilt spare me now
nc        B47.338  f. 209      HE [om]
                               Vengance will sitt aboue or fault, but till
HWNews    B47.339 ff. 209v-10  HE ffrom the Court.|
                               Heare is noe more newes, then vertue: I may as well
nc        B47.340  f. 210r-v   HE Ellegie to sir Tho: Roe. 1603.
                               Deare Thom:[LM] Tell her if she to hired servantes shew dislike
nc        B47.341 ff. 210v-11  HE [om; instead: This to be sett before. When by thy scorne /O 
                                  murdresse I am deade. in pag---90.] [NB: Appar on ff. 125v-26]
                               Cruell since thou doest not feare the Curse
ElServe   B47.342 ff. 211-12   HE Ellegie.|
                               O let me not serue soe as those men serue
Prohib    B47.343  f. 212      HE [om; instead: To be placed after (Take heed of loueinge 
                                  me /in pag: 128.|
                               Yet loue & hate me too. [ll. 17-24; see item 227 above] 
ConfL     B47.344  f. 212v     HE [om]
                               Some man vnworthy to be possesser
ElExpost  B47.345 ff. 212v-14  HE Ellegie.
                               To make the doubt Cleare that noe woemans true
Damp      B47.346  f. 214r-v   HE The Dampe.
                               When I am deade, & doctors know not why
ElBrac    B47.347 ff. 214v-16v HE To a Lady whose Chayne was l*st
                               Not that in couller it was like thy hayre
nc        B47.348  f. 217r-v   HE ffragme%Mt >%Vto< his M:rs when shee would haue gon%Me 
                                  /as his [sic]foetboy.|
                               Now why should loue a footboyes place despise
ValBook   B47.349 ff.218-19    HE A Valedictione of the booke.|
                               Ile tell thee now, deare loue what thou shalt doe
nc        B47.350  f. 219      HE Epitaph of the p%Pliame%Mt fart.|
                               Reader,I was borne and tride
nc        B47.351  f. 219v     HE Sonnett.
                               I woo'd my mistris on a time
nc        B47.352  f. 219v     HE Sonnettes.
                               [ind]Behold a prodegie
nc        B47.353 ff. 219v-20  HE Sonnett.
                               How often haue you sworne yt you did loue me
nc        B47.354  f. 220      HE Sonnett.
                               Let euery mayden shedd one teare for me
Father    B47.355  f. 220r-v   HE [om]
                               Wilt thou forgiue the sinne where I begunn
nc        B47.356 ff. 220v-21  HE The prayse of a louinge mistresse.
                               On yonder hill like morninge sunn she sittes
nc        B47.357  f. 221r-v   HE An Epitaph vppon a ffly.
                               When this fly liu'd, she vs'd to play
nc        B47.358 ff. 221v-22  HE Satyre.|
                               Thou shalt not loue me, neither shall those eyes
                  ff. 222-43   noncanonical miscellany
                  ff. 243-54   alphabetical first-line index in scribal hand

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