DigitalDonne: the Online Variorum

First-Line Index to HH5

HM 198, Henry E. Huntington Library (Haslewood-Kingsborough ms.)

Compiled April 2010

with assistance from Kelley Bradley, Dayoung Chung, M. Farrington, Elyssa Gretchen Jechow,
Tracy McLawhorn, Brittany Swihart, and Brandi Nicole Tevebaugh

In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc = noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.   %+ = preceding letter is a large cap.  The brackets »...« indicate material inserted in a second hand. All other codes used are definied in the Donne Variorum Markup Tags list.

ElWar HH5.1 f. 1r-v HE om
Till I haue peace w%5th%6 >%5the%6< warre other men
noncan HH5.2 f.1v-2r HE om
If great men wrong me
HWKiss HH5.3 f. 2r-v HE om
More then kisses Lre>>%5t%6<<s mingle soules
ElChange HH5.4 ff. 2v-3r HE om
All though thie hand & faith and good works to
Image HH5.5 f. 3r-v  HE om
Image of her whom I loue more then she
ElAut HH5.6 ff. 3v-4r HE om
Nor->>>Noe<< springe nor sum%Mer beautie hath such grace   
ElNat HH5.7 f. 4v HE om
Natures lay Ideott, I taught thee to loue
ElPict HH5.8 ff. 4v-5r HE om
%1H%+ere%2 take my Picture, though I bid farewell
ElFatal HH5.9 f. 5r-v HE om
by o%5r%6. first strange and fatall interviewe
noncan HH5.10 ff.5v-6r HE Ode
where dost thou
noncan HH5.11 f.6r-v HE Ode
I sing her worth and praised sight
noncan HH5.12 ff.6v-7r HE om
The wright of this Harmoni be Sphere
noncan HH5.13 f.7r HE %XThe Face
fatall aspect that hast an influence?
noncan HH5.14 f.7r-v HE %X
To her booke?Regard full pro whoso first
noncan HH5.15 f.7v HE %X To her Mind
Exalted *** that guard that beautous Sphere
noncan HH5.16 f.7v HE Epitaph
Within this marbl bed
noncan HH5.17 f.7v HE %XEpitaph
I  write twelue yeared not full unto a weary breath
noncan HH5.18 ff.7v-8r HE %XEpitaph: Mrs. B
Me thinks death like one hastening unto bed
noncan HH5.19 ff.8r-9r HE om
Shall lovue be
noncan HH5.20 f.9r-v HE om
I his this is loue and worse then I can say
noncan HH5.21 f.10r HE om
 Ist not enough that I have lodgd' thee Twice
noncan HH5.22 f.10r HE %XEpitaph
A maide, a wife she liued a widowe died
noncan HH5.23 f.10v HE om
If you doe meane to >%Vbe the< marke of Loue
noncan HH5.24 ff.10v-11r HE %XEpigram
Good Maddam Fowler Do not trouble me
noncan HH5.25 f.11r HE %XSr. B.
*** whilst there thou
noncan HH5.26 f.11v HE om
All that I am smite  of Loue
noncan HH5.27 ff.11v-12r HE om
Conscience will sitt above our faults but till
Storm HH5.28 f. 12r-v HE >Storme|<
Thou w%5ch%6 art I (tis nothinge to be soe)
Calm HH5.29 f. 15r-v HE >Calme|<
Our strom e is past and that strom 's  tirannus? rage 
Lit HH5.30 ff. 15v-18v HE %X%1A Letany%2
Father / Father of heauen by him by whom
ValWeep HH5.31 ff. 18v-19 HE om
Lett me poure forth
ValBook HH5.32 f. 19r-v HE om
Il'e tell thee now deare loue what thou shalt doe
Wom Con HH5.33 ff. 19v-20 HE om
Now thou hast lou'd me one whole day
Anniv HH5.34 f. 20r-v HE om
All Kings and all theire fauorites
Fever HH5.35 f. 20v HE om
O Do not die for I shall hate
ValName HH5.36 ff. 20v-21v HE om
My name engraued herein
SGo HH5.37 f. 21v HE om
Goe and catch a fallinge starre
SunRis HH5.38 f. 22r HE %XTo the Sunne
Busie Ould foole, %Yrul%Zvnrulie Sonne
ConfL HH5.39 f. 22r-v HE om
Some man vnworthie to be possessor
SSweet HH5.40 f. 22v  HE om
Sweetest loue I doe not goe for wearines of thee
Break HH5.41 ff. 22v-23r HE om
Tis true, tis day, what though it be
Witch HH5.42 f. 23r HE %XPicture
I fixe mine eye on thine and there
Expir HH5.43 f. 23r HE %Xvaledice
So goe leaue of this last lamentinge kisse
Dream HH5.44 f. 23v HE %XDreame
Deare Loue for nothinge lesse then thee
Compu HH5.45 f. 23v HE om
for my first Twenty Yeares since Yesterday
Bait HH5.46 f. 24r  HE om
Come liue w%5th%6 me and be my loue 
Mess HH5.47 f. 24r-v HE om
Send hom e my long strai'd eyes to mee
Canon HH5.48 ff. 24v-25 HE %X%1The Canonization%2.
for gods sake lett me loue &? hold this Tongue 
LovAlch HH5.49 f. 25 HE %XMum%My
Som e that haue deeper dig'd loues mine then I,
Prohib HH5.50 f. 25r-v HE om
Take heed of louinge me
LovExch HH5.51 ff. 25v-26 HE om
Loue any Diuell ells but yo%5w%6.
Ind HH5.52 f. 27 HE om
I can love both faire and browne
Commun HH5.53 f. 27r-v HE om
Good wee must love & must hate ill
GoodM HH5.54 f. 27v HE om
I wonder by my troth what thou & I
Lect HH5.55 ff. 27v-8 HE %XShadowe
Stand still  & I will read to thee
Air HH5.56 f. 28 HE %XAire & Angells
Twice or thrice had I lovd the
Twick HH5.57 f. 28v HE om
Blasted w%5th%6 sighs & surunded w%5th%6 teares
Leg HH5.58 ff. 28v-29 HE om
When I died last (o%C dear I dye
Triple HH5.59 f. 29  HE om
I%+ am two fooles I know
Broken HH5.60 f. 29r-v HE om
He is starke madd who eu%5er%6 sayes
LovUsury HH5.61 ff. 29v-30 (p57 in pdf) HE om
ffor euery hower that thou wilt spare me now
Curse HH5.62 f. 30  HE om
Who eu%5r%6 guesses, >%Vthincks, or< dreames, %Yor#thincks%Z he knowes
LovInf HH5.63 f. 30r-v HE om
If yet I have not all thy love
Flea HH5.64 ff. 30v-31 HE %XThe fflea
Marke but this flea and marke in this
Ecst HH5.65 ff. 31r-32r HE %XThe extasie
Where like a pillow and abedd
Under HH5.66 f. 32 HE om
I haue done one braver thing
LovDeity HH5.67 f. 32v HE om
I long to talke w%5th%6 som %Me old lou%5r%6s gost
LovDiet HH5.68 ff. 32v-33 HE %XLoves Dyett
To what a cumbersom e unwildines
EdHerb HH5.69 f. 33r-v HE om
Man is a lumpe where all beasts kneaded be
Will HH5.70 ff. 33v-34 HE %XThe will
Before I sigh my last graspe let me breath
noncan HH5.71 f.34r-v HE om
Abhorre ever thou my protestation ?
noncan HH5.72 f.34v HE om
Before devotions now noe more
noncan HH5.73 f.35r HE om
Quaint hope heare now what are thy fashions
noncan HH5.74 f.35r HE om
Now doe go shepards with their flocks
noncan HH5.75 f.35v HE om  
Blushing Aurora marked your way 
noncan HH5.76 f.35v-36 HE om
Glory loue & gold
noncan HH5.77 f.36r-36v HE om
Blind god of love as you wouldst so
noncan HH5.78 f.36v HE om
O blessed prince of
noncan HH5.79 f.37r HE om
Though my marriage bee but carelesse
noncan HH5.80 f.37r-37v HE om
God more varied
noncan HH5.81 p.37v HE om
To thee twice
noncan HH5.82 f.38r HE om
Once and no more soe said my life
noncan HH5.83 f.38r HE om
Sweete petrarch those high notes of thine
noncan HH5.84 f.38r HE om
Alas how can I hope
noncan HH5.85 f.38r HE om
My greife that only
noncan HH5.86 f.38r HE om
ffavor philllis in a woofull wife
noncan HH5.87 f.38v HE om
Now shall mount Sion
noncan HH5.88 f.38v HE om
A time not containd when a
noncan HH5.89 f.39r  HE om
Where Drake first found there last honest
noncan HH5.90 f.39r-42r HE om
Each wom an is a breife Of wom an kinde,
noncan HH5.91 f.42r HE om
How ***** did flow from eyes
noncan HH5.92 f.42v HE om
Defame me
noncan HH5.93 f.42v-45r HE %XA Sonnett
my care so keeps my word I prom ise it
noncan HH5.94 f.45r HE om
When aid the hand at tennis played
noncan HH5.95 f.45v HE om
In elder time an ancient custom e was
SSweet HH5.96 f. 46r HE om
Sweetest love I doe not goe
noncan HH5.97 f.46r-46v HE om  
ffaithlesse world & thy most faythless parts
noncan HH5.98 f.46v-47r HE om
poors things be
noncan HH5.99 f.47r HE om
To love or praise a thing unknownd
noncan HH5.100 f.47r-47v HE om
We will not love as other lovers doe? 
blank HH5.101 f.48r-48v
noncan HH5.102 f.49r HE om
Com e prety Cupid play w%5th%6 me
noncan HH5.103 f.49r-49v HE om
Till our faith
noncan HH5.104 f.49v-51r HE om
A dialogue between love and lust
Heart HH5.105 ff. 50v-51 HE om
When my harte was mine owne & not by vowes
noncan HH5.106 f.51r-52v HE om
I labour still in vaine
noncan HH5.107 f.52v-53r HE om
Wrong not dear empresse of my hart
noncan HH5.108 f.53r-53v HE om
If thus you must needs goe
noncan HH5.109 f.53v-54r HE om
deare leave thy hom e & ro%Mme w%5th%6 me
noncan HH5.110 f.54r-54v HE om
Muse get the to a
noncan HH5.111 f.54v-56r HE om
Oh shall I speake or silent be
blank HH5.112 f.56v  
noncan HH5.113 f.57r HE om
A shippe that kingly
noncan HH5.114 f.57v HE om
Thou that soe make thy liberty dost
noncan HH5.115 f.57v-58r HE om
To make an Inventory of thy parts
noncan HH5.116 f.58r-58v HE om
If art by wishinge could attyned by 
noncan HH5.117 f.58v HE om
I wonder much that all this parliament
noncan HH5.118 f.58v HE om
Co%Mme on you
noncan HH5.119 f.59r HE om
Be not unwillinge my request to grannt
noncan HH5.120 f.59r-60v HE om
Unto that my power my fortune & my love
noncan HH5.121 f.60v HE om
If my victoria be content to lose
noncan HH5.122 f.65r (misfoliated) HE om
fforbear my headstronge Uclidtropian thoughts
noncan HH5.123 f.65r-65v HE om
If now that gratious season of the goose
noncan HH5.124 f.65v-66r HE om
Industrious virtue
noncan HH5.125 f.66r HE om
Since I the
noncan HH5.126 f.66r-66v HE om
Industrious time 
noncan HH5.127 f.66v-67v HE om
My ffortune was the other day
noncan HH5.128 f.67v-68v HE om
My cruell frend so inconsiderate of my
noncan HH5.129 f.68v-69v HE om
In fruitlese hope to languishe & remaine
noncan HH5.130 f.70r-71r HE om
If't true that my affections lately 
noncan HH5.131 f.71r HE om
Though he that loved which unrequited lost
noncan HH5.132 f.71r-71v HE om
Tis possible you can deny
noncan HH5.133 f.71v-72r HE om
Doe not resist those fittest of y%5r%6 and 
noncan HH5.134 f.72r-72v HE om
But that Great present of this faire rounde
noncan HH5.135 f.73r HE om
Oh doe not tease me w%5th%6 a brutish loss
noncan HH5.136 f.73r HE om
My lord to show you bold desire
noncan HH5.137 f.73r-74v HE om
When god gave man the high 
noncan HH5.138 f.74v-76r HE om
To be assurd men love as they professe
noncan HH5.139 f.76r HE om
Will women more content for modesty
noncan HH5.140 f.76r-77r HE om
Loues an
noncan HH5.141 f.77r-79r HE om
It is not night yet all the world is blacke
blank HH5.142 f.79v-80r HE om
noncan HH5.143 f.82v (misfoliated) HE %XMem.
Wanting in the original two leaves to
noncan HH5.144 f.82r (misfoliated) HE om
Now hurt my wished graunted art
noncan HH5.145 f.82r   HE om
When som e ofwomen: true, of
noncan HH5.146 f.82v   HE om
my drowsie soule awake from time
noncan HH5.147 f.82v-83r HE >Taken out of …|<
Scribe proud, cruell, kind of  of workmanship
noncan HH5.148 f.83v HE %XA Recantation and Excrie For the grevious invectiue against wom en
Pardon,though I to you faire
noncan HH5.149 f.83v-84r HE om
Goe harmeless I
noncan HH5.150 f.84r HE om
Eccho, say, where's my Soul Say
noncan HH5.151 f.84r-84v HE om
Deare Hearte O%5r%6 lett me kiss yo%5u%6
noncan HH5.152 f.84v-f.85r HE om
Our Lidia now younge lust 
noncan HH5.153 f.84v-f.85r HE om
She whom My hart admireth
noncan HH5.154 f.85r HE om
O my hart cease torment mee
noncan HH5.155 f.85r-85v HE om
Jockey with
noncan HH5.156 f.85v HE om
Happie the man that may thee see
noncan HH5.157 f.85v HE om
On a faire bankes of Lillie
noncan HH5.158 f.85v HE om
Muther, helpe, helpe, her eyes haue shamed me
noncan HH5.159 f.86r HE om
In Mary, when Loue Ladds goe a maddinge
noncan HH5.160 f.86r HE om
Best of beautie, when I eye you
noncan HH5.161 f.86r HE om
I am so tame I die,
noncan HH5.162 f.86r HE om
Hearke desperate Louer. Harke a wonder
noncan HH5.163 f.86v HE om
Beautie and youth in one conspiring
noncan HH5.164 f.86v HE om
I and my loue soe kissed 
noncan HH5.165 f.86v HE om
Why me hath an humble piercing eye
noncan HH5.166 f.86v HE om
Kisst me quoth I no, faintly
noncan HH5.167 f.86v HE om
Who clime aloff, oft rise to fall
noncan HH5.168 f.86v HE om
Loue I deny that thou art blind
noncan HH5.169 f.87r HE om
O bitter sweete of Loue.
noncan HH5.170 f.87r HE om
if I dye, I die contented
noncan HH5.171 f.87r HE om
I must, alas, I must be gone
noncan HH5.172 f.87r HE om
Weepe not, o weepe not, fairest, sweetest
noncan HH5.173 f.87r HE om
Nature most faire, most sweete in yo%5e%6
noncan HH5.174 f.87v HE om
Phillis, quoth Gordon Thou art unkind
noncan HH5.175 f.87v HE om
Phillis, those pretty flowers
noncan HH5.176 f.87v HE om
 O lett thye heauens bright sunne leaue shininge
noncan HH5.177 f.87v HE om
Faire Phillis when I com e in loue to kisse thee
noncan HH5.178 f.87v HE om
My Tongue doth 
noncan HH5.179 f.87v-88r HE om
Why me and the time
noncan HH5.180 f.88r HE  om
And yet proud thoughts if yo%5u%6 will
noncan HH5.180 f.88r HE %XTo his most deare Friend,
So when
noncan HH5.181 f.88v HE %XTo our blessed Ladie in Honor of her Assumption
Upon the center, and the Summit of all
noncan HH5.182 f.88v HE %XTo S%5t%6 Michaell Th'archangell
***** Haue wish great
noncan HH5.183 f.89r HE %XTo my Angelus
Bright Angell, deare com panion, faithfull guide
noncan HH5.184 f.89r HE %XTo S%5t%6 John Baptist
Like curiousburninge glasse w%5ch%6 doth retire
noncan HH5.185 f.89v HE %XTo S%5t%6 Peter 
Though in that garden where thy M%5r%6. praide
noncan HH5.186 f.89v HE %XTo S%5t%6 Joseph
Lett Wordlie wisdome 
noncan HH5.187 f.90r HE %XTo S%5t%6 Luke
When thou by glorious death didst First beginne 
noncan HH5.188 f.90r HE %XTo S%5t%6 George
He that this Title beares 
noncan HH5.189 f.90v HE %XTo S%5t%6 Paule
To that great S%5t%6 of whom thou bearst the name
noncan HH5.190 f.90v HE %XTo S%5t%6 Augustine the Doctor
Tell me deare Saint, for thou alone canst tell
noncan HH5.191 f.91r HE %XTo S%5t%6 ********
A soule so
noncan HH5.192 f.91r HE %XTo S%5t%6 Mary Magdalene
To maruell that thou art admired so high 
noncan HH5.193 f.91v HE %XTo S%5t%
None but King Dauid
noncan HH5.194 f.91v HE %XTo S%5t%6 Ursula 
Honor of Brittany,
noncan HH5.195 f.92r HE %XTo S%5t%6 Catherine 
As holy Peter was Christs deputy
noncan HH5.196 f.92r HE %XS%5t%6 Barbara
Saint Paule doth feare how they that they that doe prophane
noncan HH5.197 f.92v HE %XTo S%5t%6 Monaca
The soile from whence that
noncan HH5.198 f.92v HE %XTo S%5t%6 Paula
Henceforth lett drake and Bandite not proclame
noncan HH5.199 f.93r HE %Xwhen I was a sleepe in a great sicknes
It is no window though it looke like one
noncan HH5.200 f.93v HE %XA Sonnett w%5ch%6 I made to a friend beinge sick of sore eyes
I grew but wonder not at thee
noncan HH5.201 f.94r HE %XA Sonnett of griefe for his paine
That in sp
noncan HH5.202 f.94r HE %XA New yeares Gifte
Reason reclaimed though custome doe inuite
noncan HH5.203 f.94v HE %XUpon a Friends Absence
What helpe is in
noncan HH5.204 f.94v HE %XTo a Religious Woman
Deare sister since, I must 
noncan HH5.205 f.95r HE %XUpon the Sight of Douer Cliffs from Callis
Better it were for me to haue been blinde
noncan HH5.206 f.95r-97r HE %XUpon the Expectation of a friends Com inge To me
Give me that hand to kisse,
noncan HH5.207 f.97r-97v HE om
Lett me beginne to Love
noncan HH5.208 f.97v-99r HE om  
Shall I stand still and see the world
noncan HH5.209 f.99r-99v HE %XEpigram
If each in and  And Fault ??? in hid ofrehand writt
noncan HH5.210 f.99v HE %XSonnett
When by thee paroled
noncan HH5.211 f.99v HE om
I had
noncan HH5.212 f.100r-01r HE %XElegie
Lett natures fooles made out of sullen earth
noncan HH5.213 f.101r-02r HE om
Why w%5th%6 unkindest'
noncan HH5.214 f.102r-02v HE om
In these Blacke and
noncan HH5.215 f.102v-04r HE %XCharacter
God hath done much for
noncan HH5.216 f.104r-05r HE %XElegie
That in the dust wee buried, 
noncan HH5.217 f.105r-05v HE %XElegy
Why w%5th%6 unkindest 
noncan HH5.218 f.106r-06v HE %XElegy
Whether  these honourd, or 
noncan HH5.219 f.107r HE om
The greatest painter when he did
noncan HH5.220 f.107r HE  %XSibilta Delphina or Ladie
The Inspired maide that went into the light
noncan HH5.222 f.107r-07v HE %XSonnett
Unhappie is the life
noncan HH5.223 f.107v-08r HE %XElegy
It is not that
noncan HH5.224 f.108v-09r HE %XElegy
Giue to mine eyes there fearefull Liberty
ElVar HH5.225 ff.109v-10v HE %XElegie|
The heauens rejoyce in motion, whie should I
noncan HH5.226 f.110v-11v HE %XCharacter
That these are 
noncan HH5.227 f.111v HE %XMalvig
Com e Louvers all to me, and wake
noncan HH5.228 f.111v HE %XMalvig
Laura came by
noncan HH5.229 f.111v HE om
Sweete Cupid ripen her Desire
Bait HH5.230 ff. 111v-12r HE om
Com e liue w%5th%6 me, and be my Loue
Mess HH5.231 f. 112r-12v HE om
Send hom e my longe straied eyes to me
ElBrac HH5.232 ff. 112v-13v HE om
Not for in Colour it was like thie haire
noncan HH5.233 f.113v HE om
Here I Repose , but in lamented walk
noncan HH5.234 f.113v HE %XEpitaph
Stay proue the stone, 
noncan HH5.235 f.114r-14v HE %XTo the Countesse of Rutland
Maddam, Soe may my versed pleasinge bee
noncan HH5.236 f.115r-15v HE %XTo his Friend B. J.
The Sunn w%5th%6 doth the greate??  Bringe
noncan HH5.237 f.116r HE %XTo Mr. B. J. 
Wether to follow fashion nor to showe
Annun HH5.238 ff. 116v-17 HE  %X%1Vpon the Passion, and Annunciacon%M %/%X%1Fallinge both on a day%2| /%X1608|.|
Tamely fraile doy absteine to day to day 
HWVenice HH5.239 f. 117r-v HE %XSir|
After those reuerent Papers whose soule is
Cross HH5.240 ff. 117v-18v HE %X%1The Crosse%2|
Since Christ embrac'd the crosse it selfe dare I
noncan HH5.241 f. 118v HE %Xof Som ewhat I mett som ewhere
In Courte I mett
noncan HH5.243 f. 119r-v HE %XElegy
Tis not his jealousie that
Appar HH5.244 f. 119v HE %XApparition
When by thie scorne (o murdresse) I am dead
Fever HH5.245 f. 120 r HE om
O do not die for I shall hate, %Yall#wom en%Z
Break HH5.246 f. 120r-v HE om
T'is true, t'is Day what though it bee
EpEliz HH5.247 ff. 120v-21 v HE %XEpithalamion
Haile Bishopp Valentine whose day this is
noncan HH5.248 f. 122r HE om
Thow knowst (deare Sauio%5e%6) I was borne in Sinne
Curse HH5.249 ff. 122r-v HE %X%1The Curse%2|
Who euer guesses, thinks or dreames he knowes
noncan HH5.250 ff. 122 v-23r HE  %XHorace Lib: 3. Ode /is/
The Brasen Tower, stronge
noncan HH5.251 f. 123r HE %XLib: i. Ode ig /
The powerfull mother of the winged Gods
noncan HH5.252 f. 123r HE %XLib: i. ode /23 /
Then fleest me Chloe,  like the wanton fawne
noncan HH5.253 f. 123v HE  %XLib3. Ode 2b
Blinde of late for wantan wenches fitt
noncan HH5.254 f.123v HE %XLib:r Ode. io
Via although a fierce barbarian bedd
noncan HH5.255 f.124r-24v HE %XLib:2 ode /i4/
O how the >%flyinge<yeares doe past await
noncan HH5.256 f.124v HE om
Is youth as fresh and sweete as flowers in springe 
noncan HH5.257 f.124v-25r HE om
Who sees yo%5e%6 fare, sees beauties fairest good
noncan HH5.258 f.125r HE  om
I loue my Wife w%5th%6 an Earthie loue
noncan HH5.259 f.125r-v HE om
Stay gentle%Ylushie%z blond, where canst then seeke
noncan HH5.260 f.125v HE om
Here lied Salsburie
noncan HH5.261 f.126r HE om
In Eastside, near Hartford,  there lied in a coffyn
ElWar HH5.262 f. 126r-v HE om
Till I haue peace w%5th%6 thee, warr w%5th%6 %Ymy%Z other men|
noncan HH5.263 ff.126v-27r HE om
The state and mind 
noncan HH5.264 f.127r-v HE %XFor knowledge kindles
Yet use awhile and thou maist liue to see
noncan HH5.265 f.128r HE om
T'is Loue breeds loue in mee,
noncan HH5.266 f.128r HE om
When first this Morninge I awake
noncan HH5.267 f.128r HE om
Within this chest
noncan HH5.268 f.128v HE om
Goe begg yo%5u%6. Muses
noncan HH5.269 f.128v HE om
Cupid a Boy and yet a God of might
noncan HH5.270 f.129r HE om
Nay I must loue thee still,
noncan HH5.271 f.129r HE om
Nothing remoues my hart,
noncan HH5.272 ff.129r-30v HE om
Hide not thie loue; 
noncan HH5.273 f.130v HE om
Loud I am & yet com plaine of loue
noncan HH5.274 f.131r-v HE om
Come you swarmes of thoughts & bringe
noncan HH5.275 f.131v HE om
A Lover: Death Fatall death in thy stronghold armes
noncan HH5.276 f.132r HE om
Goe naked truthe & lett thy bashfull teares
noncan HH5.277 ff.132r-34r HE om
Come Julia I will loue the now
noncan HH5.278 f.134r-v HE om
Sheepheard gentle sheepeheard harke
noncan HH5.279 ff.134v-35v HE om
There is noe Lover he nor shee
noncan HH5.280 ff.135v-36r HE om
Thou wonder of all wom ankinde
noncan HH5.281 f.136r-v HE om
Alas that
noncan HH5.282 ff.136v-37r HE om
Why should not man my Tirant sorrow name
noncan HH5.283 f.137v-46r HE %XGuy of Warwicke
I singe the life & death of Great Sw%5e%6 Guy
noncan HH5.284 ff.147r-48r HE om
Come not to me for scraps

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