DigitalDonne: the Online Variorum

First-Line Index to DT1 and DT2

ms. 877, Trinity College, Dublin (Dublin mss. I and II)

Compiled by J. Syd Conner

In the left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) Donne Variorum short form (noncan= noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line. %X=element centered on page.

Additional information: DT1 and DT2 were originally separate mss., but are currently bound together as one volume and foliated continuously throughout. This index covers the entire bound volume. DT1 is misbound and part of its contents lost. An earlier set of page numbers shows that what is currently folio 47 (containing the original page numbers 49-50) originally followed what is currently folio 36v (which contains the original page no. 48). As a consequence, ll. 1-11 of Lect appear on f. 36v, while ll. 12-26 appear on f. 47; and ElServe is similarly divided between ff. 47v (ll. 1-8) and 37 (ll. 9-46). Furthermore, the leaves containing the original pages 71-74 are missing from the artifact, with the result that ll. 34-45 of Canon and ll. 1-30 of ElExpost are lost. That H4 (DT1's cognate) gives LovDiet and Will between Canon and ElExpost makes it likely that the missing pages contained these poems as well as the lines missing from Canon and ElExpost.

To see the original arrangement of the poems from SunRis through SGo, click here.


(If desired, skip to DT2)
         F. nos.                         Contents
        -------                         --------
        i, ii                           scribal index of authors; i[verso] is blank
        ii[verso]-3v                    blank
        4[f.1 of newer numbering]-12v   scribal first-line index in alphabetical order

Sat1     DT1.1,   13-14v   HE  %XSatyre
                           Away thou Fondling[var:>Changeling<]-Motley Humorist
Sat3     DT1.2,   14v-16   HE  %XSatyre. 2
                           Kind pittie choakes my splene, braue scorne forbidds
Sat4     DT1.3,   16-20    HE  %XSatyre. [RM:]I:[trimmed] /|
                           Well, I may nowe receiue and dye; my sinne
Sat5     DT1.4,   20-21v   HE  %XSatyre.|
                           Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe Muse, nor they [RM:]I:D[trimmed] /|
noncan   DT1.5,   21v-24v  HE  %XSatyre
                           I:R:[LM]  Sleepe next societie, and true friendshipp
Sat2     DT1.6,   24v-26v  HE  %XSatyre.
                           I: D.[LM]  Sr, though (I thanke God for it) I doe hate
ELBrac   DT1.7,   26v-27   HE  %XElegie.|.
                           I.D.|[LM]  Not that in Collour it was like thy haire
Storm    DT1.8    27v-28v  HE  %X/The Storme to M.r C.B. /[LM]I.D.|  
                           Thou, wch art I. (tis nothing to bee soe)
Calm     DT1.9    28v-29v  HE  %XThe Calme.
                           I.D.|[LM]  Our Storme is past; And yt stormes tyrannous rage
ElAnag   DT1.10   29v-30   HE  %XElegie.| /[LM]I:D./|
                           Marry and loue thy fflauia, for shee
RWThird  DT1.11   30v-31   HE  om
                           I.D.[LM]  Like one who in her third widowhood doth profess
HWNews   DT1.12   31r-v    HE  [RM] |Io: D: t*[trimmed] /H: W.[edge]
                           Here is noe more newes then Virtue: I may aswell[sic]
ElComp   DT1.13   31v-32   HE  %XElegie| /[LM]I:D. /|
                           As the sweet sweat of roses in a still,
ElPerf   DT1.14   32v-33v  HE  %XElegie. /[LM]I:D. /|
                           Once, and but once found in thy comp[mf scratch]nye
ElChange DT1.15   33v-34   HE  %XElegie.|
                           [trimmed]:D.|[LM]  Although thy hand, & faith, & good worcks too,
ElNat    DT1.16   34r-v    HE  [partial letter: false start] %XElegie.|
                           Natures lay Ideott, I taught thee to loue,
ElAut    DT1.17   34v-35   HE  %XElegie.|
                           Noe springe, nor summer beautie, hath such grace
Image    DT1.18   35v      HE %XElegie.| /[LM]I:D. /|
                           Image of her, whom I loue, more then shee,
Break    DT1.19   36       HE  %XBreake of Daye.|
                           T'is true, t'is daye; what though it bee [RM]I:D.
SunRis   DT1.20   36r-v    HE  %XSun Riseinge   [RM at ll. 3/4]I:D. /|
                           Busie old foole, vnruly Sunne
Lect 1-11 DT1.21  36v      HE  I:D. /|[LM]   %XLecture vppon the shaddowe.|
                           Stand still, and I will read to thee [Ll. 12-26 appear on f. 47] 
ElServe 9-46 DT1.22 37r-v [l.9] Themselues; I hate dead names, oh then, lett mee 
                           [HE through l. 8 appear on f. 47v] 
Leg      DT1.23   37v      HE  %XElegie.| 
                           When I died last, (and deare I dye)
Triple   DT1.24   38       HE  %XThe Triple ffoole
                           I am twoe fooles I knowe
Mark     DT1.25   38-39    HE  %XAn Elegie vpon the death of the /%XLadie Marckam.
                           Man is the world, & Death the Ocean
BoulRec  DT1.26   39-40v   HE  %XAn Elegie vpon the death of / Bulstrod.|
                           Death I recant, & say, vnsaid by mee
GoodM    DT1.27   40v      HE  %XThe Good Morrowe.|
                           I wonder by my troath what thou and I
Broken   DT1.28   41       HE  om
                           Hee is stark madde, whoeuer sayes
Twick    DT1.29   41v      HE  %XTwitnam Garden.|
                           Blasted wth sighes, & surrounded wth teares
ElWar    DT1.30   42r-v    HE  %XElegie.|
                           Till I haue peace wth thee, warr other men
BoulNar  DT1.31   42v-43v  HE  %XElegie vpon ye death of Boulstred.|
                           Language thou art too narrowe, and too weake
BedfShe  DT1.32   43v-44   HE  %XElegie to the La: Bedford.
                           You that are shee, & you thats double shee,
noncan   DT1.33   44-45    HE  om
                           Madam, /Soe may my verses pleasing bee
Curse    DT1.34   45v      HE  %XThe Curse.|
                           Who euer guesses, thinks, or dreames hee knowes
LovAlch  DT1.35   46       HE  %XMummy.|
                           Some that haue deeper digg'd Loues myne then I
Canon1-33 DT1.36  46v      HE  %XThe Canonization.|
                           For Gods sake hold yor tongue, and let mee loue
[Leaves containing original pp. 71-74 missing.]
Lect 12-26 DT1.37    47    HE om [HE + ll. 1-11 appear on f. 36v]
                           [l. 12] That loue hath not attain'd the high'st degree 
ValMourn DT1.38   47r-v    HE  %XValediction, forbidding mourninge.|
                           As virtuous men passe mildly away
ElServe 1-8 DT1.39   47v   HE  %XElegie..|.
                           Oh, let not mee serue soe, as those men serue
ElExpost 31-70 DT1.40 48r-v HE    om
                [pp.75-76] Or Nature, by whose strength the world endures [l. 31]
Para     DT1.41   48v      HE  om
                           No louer saith I loue, nor any other
noncan   DT1.42   48v-49   HE  %XA Paradox.|
                           Who so termes Loue a fire, may like a Po%Uet
SGo      DT1.43   49r-v    HE  %XSonge.
                           Goe, and catch a falling starr
WomCom   DT1.44   49v      HE  %XWomans Constancie
                           Nowe thou hast lou'd mee one whole daye
Commun   DT1.45   49v-50   HE  om
                           Good wee must loue, and must hate ill
Flea     DT1.46   50r-v    HE  om
                           Marke but this fflea, and marke in this
Ecst     DT1.47   50v-51v  HE  %XExtasie.|
                           Where like a pillowe on a bed
LovDeity DT1.48   52       HE  %XLoues Deitye.|
                           I long to talk wth some old Louers ghost
Fun      DT1.49   52v      HE  %XThe Funerall
                           Whoe euer comes to shrowd mee doe not harme
EpEliz   DT1.50   53-54v   HE  %XEpithalamium.|
                           Haile Bishop Valentine, whose day this is,
ElProg   DT1.51   54v-56   HE  %XElegie.|
                           Whoe euer loues, if hee doe not propose
Blos     DT1.52   56r-v    HE  %XThe Blossome.
                           Little thinck'st thou, poore fflower
ElBed    DT1.53   56v-57v  HE  %XElegie /[LM]I: D.
                           Come Madame Come; All rest my powers defie
Appar    DT1.54   57v      HE  %XAn Apparition
                           When by thy scorne, o%C Murdress, I am dead,
HWKiss   DT1.55   58-59    HE  %XTo Sr Henry Wotton.
                           Sr, more then kisses, Letters mingle soules [RM]I:D.|
noncan   DT1.56   59-60    HE  %XAn Elegie, vpon the death of / %Xthe Lo: Effingham.
                           I did not knowe thee Lord, nor doe I striue [LM]R: Cor[edge]
Prim     DT1.57   60r-v    HE  %XThe Primerose
                           Vppon this Primerose hill
TWHail   DT1.58   60v-61   HE  %XTo M. T. W.
                           All haile sweet Po%Uet, more full of more stronge fire
TWHarsh  DT1.59   61r-v    HE  %XTo M. T. W.
                           Hast thee harsh verse, as fast as thy lame measure
TWPreg   DT1.60   61v      HE  %XTo M. T. W.
                           Pregnant againe wth th'old twins hope and feare
TWHence  DT1.61   61v-62   HE  om [poem entered as continuation of TWPreg; st structure duplicated]
  (1st app)                At once from hence my Lines and I depart
CB       DT1.62   62       HE  %XTo M. C. B.
                           Thy ffriend whom thy deserts to thee enchaine
SB       DT1.63   62v      HE  %XTo M. S. B.
                           O thou wch to search out the secrett parts
BB       DT1.64   62v-63   HE  %XTo M. B. B.
                           Is not thy sacred hunger of science
RWSlumb  DT1.65   63r-v    HE  %XTo Mr. R. W.
                           If as mine is, thy life a slumber bee
ILRoll   DT1.66   63v      HE  %XTo M. I. L.
                           Of yt short roll of friends writt in my hart
ILBlest  DT1.67   64       HE  %XTo M. I. L.
                           Blest are yor North parts, for all this long time
HWVenice DT1.68   64r-v    HE  %XTo Sr. Henrie Wotton, at his going / 
                           %XAmbassadour to Venice.
                           After those reuerend Papers, whose soule is
HG       DT1.69   65r-v    HE  %XTo Sr H. G. moueing him to Trauell.
                           Who makes thee[sic] past a patterne for next yeare
EdHerb   DT1.70   65v-66v  HE  %XTo Sr. E. H.
                           Man is a lumpe, where all Beasts kneaded bee
MHPaper  DT1.71   66v-67v  HE  %XTo M. M. H.
                           Mad Paper stay; and grudge not here to burne
BedfReas DT1.72   67v-68   HE  %XTo the Countess of B..[sic] [salutation looks like 2nd HE line]
                           %XMadame, /Reason is our Soules left-hand, ffaith her Right
BedfHon  DT1.73   68-69    HE  %XTo the Countess of B.|
                           Honour is soe sublime Perfection
BefRef   DT1.74   69-70    HE  %XTo the Countess of B.
                           You haue refinde mee; And to worthiest things
BedfWrit DT1.75   70v-71v  HE  %XTo the Countess of B:
                           T'haue written then when you writt, seem'd to mee
BedfTwi  DT1.76   72-73    HE  %XTo the Countess of B. at Newyeares tyde.|
                           This Twy-light of twoe yeares, not Past, nor next
HuntMan  DT1.77   73-74    HE  To the C: of H.| [salutation looks like 2nd HE line]
                           %XMadam / Man to Gods Image, Eue, to Mans was made
Sal      DT1.78   74-75v   HE  %XTo the Couintess of S.|
                           ffaire, Great, and Good, since seing you wee see
Carey    DT1.79   75v-76v  HE  %XTo the La: Co: of C: [salutation is size of HE, but not centered]
                           Madame / Here, where by all, All Saints invoaked are
Sappho   DT1.80   76v-77v  HE  %XSapho to Philae%Lnis.|
                           Where is that holy fire, wch Verse is said
ElJeal   DT1.81   78       HE  %XElegie.
                           Fond woman, that would'st haue thy husband dye,
ElFatal  DT1.82   78v-79   HE  %XElegie
                           By our first strange and fatall interviewe
ElPict   DT1.83   79r-v    HE  %XElegie.|
                           Here, take my Picture, though I bid farewell
Noct     DT1.84   79v-80v  HE  %XA Nocturnall vppon St Lucies daye / 
                               %Xbeing the shortest Daye.|
                           T'is the yeares Midnight, & it is the Dayes
Compu    DT1.85   80v      HE  %XThe Computation
                           For the[var:my] first twenty yeares, since yesterday
Dissol   DT1.86   80v-81   HE  %XThe Dissolution.|
                           Shee's Dead, and all wch dye,
Witch    DT1.87   81       HE  %XWitchcrafte by a Picture.
                           I fixe myne eye on thine, and there
Jet      DT1.88   81r-v    HE  %XA Ieat Ring sent
                           Thou art not soe Black as my Heart
LovExch  DT1.89   81v-82   HE  %XLoues Exchaunge
                           Loue; any Deuill ells but you
Fever    DT1.90   82r-v    HE  %Xffever.|
                           Oh doe not dye, for I shall hate
Ind      DT1.91   82v-83   HE  %XThe Indifferent.
                           I can loue both faire and browne
ValName  DT1.92   83-84    HE  %XValediction of my name / %Xin the windowe.
                           My name engrau'd herein
Air      DT1.93   84v      HE  %XAire and Angells
                           Twice or thrice had I loued thee
LovGrow  DT1.94   85       HE  %XLoues Growth.|
                           I scarce beleiue my loue to bee soe pure
Dream    DT1.95   85v      HE  %XThe Dreame.
                           Deare loue; for nothing less then thee
Prohib   DT1.96   86       HE  %XThe Prohibition  [lines 1-4 and 6-16 only]
                           Take heede of loveing mee
Anniv    DT1.97   86r-v    HE  %XThe Anniuersarie|
                           All Kings, and all their ffauorits
Damp     DT1.98   86v-87   HE  %XThe Dampe
                           When I am Dead, and Doctors knowe not why
Relic    DT1.99   87r-v    HE  %XThe Relique
                           When my Graue is broke vpp againe
NegLov   DT1.100  87v-88   HE  %XNegatiue Loue
                           I neuer stoop'd soe lowe as they
ValWeep  DT1.101  88       HE   %XValediction of weeping.
                           Lett mee powre forth
ValBook  DT1.102  88v-89v  HE  %XA Valediction of the Booke
                           Ile tell thee nowe Deare Loue what thou shalt doe
Expir    DT1.103  89v      HE  %XThe Expiration.|
                           Soe, soe, break off this last lamenting kisse
Under    DT1.104  89v-90   HE  %XPlatonique Loue.
                           I haue done one Brauer thing
ConfL    DT1.105  90r-v    HE  om
                           Some man vnworthy to bee Possessor
Mess     DT1.106  90v-91   HE  [as group HE] %XSongs wch were made to certaine / 
                               %XAires wch were made before.|
                           Send home my long straid eyes to mee
SSweet   DT1.107  91       HE  om  [lines 1-24 and 33-40 only]
                           Sweetest Loue, I do not goe for weariness of thee
Bait     DT1.108  91v      HE  om
                           Come liue wth mee and bee my Loue
Hero     DT1.109  92       HE  %XEpigrammes.|[section HE] /
                               %XHero and Leander.
                           Both robb'd of aire, wee both lye in one ground [RM]X
Pyr      DT1.110  92       HE  %XPiramis and Thisby.
                           Twoe by themselues each other, Loue, and ffeare
Niobe    DT1.111  92       HE  %XNiobe
                           By Childrens birth, & Death I am become
Ship     DT1.112  92       HE  %XA Burnt shipp.
                           Out of a fired shipp wch by noe waye
Wall     DT1.113  92       HE  %Xffall of a Wall
                           Vnder an Vnder-min'de, & shott-bruis'd wall
Beggar   DT1.114  92       HE  %XA Lame Begger.
                           I am vnable yonder Begger cries
Licent   DT1.115  92v      HE  %XA Licentious Person.
                           Thy sinns, and Haire may noe man equall call
Antiq    DT1.116  92v      HE  %XAntiquarie.|
                           If in his studie hee haue soe much care
Merc     DT1.117  92v      HE  %XMercurius Gallo-Belgicus
                           Like AE%Lsops fellowe-slaues, O Mercurie
Phrine   DT1.118  92v      HE  %XPhrine
                           Thy flattering Picture, Phrine, is like thee
Philo    DT1.119  92v      HE  %XAn obscure writer
                           Philo wth twelue yeares study hath beene grieu'd
Klock    DT1.120  92v      HE  om
                           Klockius soe deeply'hath sworne ne're more to come
Martial  DT1.121  92v      HE  %XRaderus
                           Why this man gelded Martiall, I muse
EpLin    DT1.122  93-94    HE  %XEpithalamion, made at Lincolns Inne.|
                           The Sun-beames in the East are spred
Eclog    DT1.123  94v-98   HE  %XEclogue / %XInduceing an Epithalamion at the Marriage / 
                               %Xof the E: of S:.|
Henry    DT1.124  98v-99v  HE  %XElegie   Prince Henrie.|
                           Looke to mee ffaith, and look to my ffaith, God,
Har      DT1.125  99v-103v HE  %XElegie Lo: Harrington.
                           ffaire Soule, wch wast not only as all Soules bee
TWHence  DT1.126  104      HE  om
  (2nd app)                At once from hence my lines and I departe
Ham      DT1.127  104r-v   HE  %XA Himne to the Saintes and Marquis of Hamilton
                           Whether that soule which now comes vp to you
Ham.ltr  DT1.128  104v     HE  %XThe Letter that was sent with these verses.
                           Sr / I presume you rather trye what you can doe in mee
[Blank sheet]     105r-v 
Metemepis DT1.129  106r-v  HE  %XInfinitati Sacrum / %X16.o Augusti. 1601. / 
                               %XMetempsychosis. / %XPo%Uema Satyricon / %XEpistle
                           Others at the Porches and entries of their Buildings
Metem    DT1.130  107-115v HE  %Xffirst Songe.
                           I sing the Progress of a Deathless Soule
Cor1     DT1.131  116      HE  Divine Poems.|[section HE] / %XLa Corona. [flourish].
                           Daigne at my hands this Crowne of prayer, and praise [RM]1|
Cor2     DT1.132  116      HE  %XAnnunciation
                           Saluation to all that will is nigh; [RM]2.
Cor3     DT1.133  116v     HE  %XNatiuitie
                           3.[LM]  Immensitie Cloystred in thy deare wombe
Cor4     DT1.134  116v     HE  %XTemple.
                           4.[LM]  Wth his kind Mother, whoe partakes thy woe
Cor5     DT1.135  117      HE  %XCrucifienge.
                           By Myracles exceeding power of Man, [LM]5.
Cor6     DT1.136  117      HE  %XResurrection
                           Moist wth one dropp of thy bloud my drye Soule [LM]6.
Cor7     DT1.137  117v     HE  %XAscention [not numbered, but ffinis| follows]
                           Salute the last, and euerlasting Daye
HSDue    DT1.138  117v     HE  [LM]1. 
                           As due by many titles I resigne
HSBlack  DT1.139  118      HE  [RM]2.
                           Oh my black Soule, nowe thou art summoned
HSScene  DT1.140  118      HE  [RM]3.
                           This is my Playes Last Scene, Here heau'ns appointe 
HSRound  DT1.141  118v     HE  [LM]4.
                           At the round Earths imagin'd corners blowe
HSMin    DT1.142  118v     HE  [LM]5.  
                           If poysonous mineralls, and if that tree
HSDeath  DT1.143  119      HE  [RM]6.
                           Death bee not proude, though some hath called thee
HSSpit   DT1.144  119      HE  [RM]7.
                           Spitt in my face yee Iewes, and peirce my side
HSWhy    DT1.145  119v     HE  [LM]8  
                           Why are >%Vwee< by all Creatures waited on?
HSWhat   DT1.146  119v     HE  [LM]9.  
                           What if this present were ye worlds last night?
HSBatter DT1.147  120      HE  [RM]10.
                           Batter my heart, three person'd God; for you 
HSWilt   DT1.148  120      HE  [RM]11.
                           Wilt thou loue God as hee thee, then digest 
HSPart   DT1.149  120v     HE  [LM]12.
                           ffather, part of his double interest
Lam      DT1.150  120v-27  HE  %XThe Lamentations of Ieremy, for / %Xthe most part accordinge / 
                               %Xto Tremelius. / %XChap: 1:
                           V.1.[LM]  Howe sitts this Cittie late most populous
Lit      DT1.151  127v-31v HE  %XA Letanie.| / %XThe ffather
                           1.[LM]  ffather of Heauen, and him by whom
Goodf    DT1.152  131v-32  HE  %XGood friday / %XMade as I was Rideing westward, that daye.|
                           Let Mans soule bee a Sphere, and then, in this
Annun    DT1.153  132-33   HE  %XVppon the Annunciation, when Good- / 
                               %Xfriday fell vppon the same daye.|
Cross    DT1.154  133-34   HE  %XOn the Crosse
                           Since Christ embrac'd the Cross it selfe, dare I
Res      DT1.155  134      HE  %XResurrection.|    imperfect|
                           Sleepe, sleepe old Sun thou canst not haue repast
Christ   DT1.156  134v     HE  A Hymne to Christ   [aligned left]
                           In what torne shipp soeuer I embarke
Father   DT1.157  135      HE  %XTo Christ
                           Wilt thou forgiue that sinn, where I begunn
                  135v     blank
[Items DT1.158-65, on ff. 136-45, are noncanonical prose and poetry.]
P'doxes  DT1.166  145v-46  HE  %XParadoxes.|[section HE] / %XThat all things kill themselues.|
                           To affect, yea to effect their owne deaths, all living
P'doxes  DT1.167  146-47   HE  %XThat Women ought to paint themselues.
                           ffoulness is loathsome; can that bee soe to wch helps
P'doxes  DT1.168  147, 48  HE  %XThat olde men are more fantastique / %Xthen Younge
                           Who reads this Paradox, but thinks mee~
[F. 147v blank but for a scribal note across the top: The Marchant, &c. (hand pointing right)] 
P'doxes  DT1.169  148-49   HE  %XThat nature is or worst guyde
                           Shall shee be guyde to all creatures wch is herselfe one?
P'doxes  DT1.170  149v-50  HE  %XThat onely Cowards dare dye.
                           Extreames are equally remoued from the meane, so that
P'doxes  DT1.171  150-51   HE  %XThat the guysts of the bodie are better / 
                               %Xthen the guysts of the minde or Fortune.
                           I Say againe that the bodie makes the minde, not that it
P'doxes  DT1.172  151v-52v HE  %XThat a wyse man is knowne by much / %XLaughinge.|
                           Ride sisapis o puella ride. If thow beest wyse lawgh
P'doxes  DT1.173  152v-53v HE  %XThat good is more com%Mon then Euill.
                           I haue not beene so pittifully tyred wth any vanity as wth
P'doxes  DT1.174  153v-54v HE  %XThat by discord thinges increase|
                           [inset] Nullos esse Deos mane, Cae%Llum affirmat Selius probatq%Q
                           Soe I asseuer this the more bowldly becawse whylst
P'doxes  DT1.175  154v-55  HE  %XThat it is possible to finde some / %Xvirtue in some women.
                           I am not of yt sear'd impudency yt I dare defende
P'doxes  DT1.176  155r-v   HE  %XProblems.[sic]
                           Why are Courtiers sooner Atheists, then men of
P'doxes  DT1.177  155v     HE  %X2d.
                           Why doth Sr W. R. write the Historie of these times?
P'doxes  DT1.178  155v     HE  %X3.d.
                           Why doe great men choose of all dependants to pre=/ferre
P'doxes  DT1.179  156      HE  %X4th.|
                           Why doth not Gold soile the fingers? doth it direct
P'doxes  DT1.180  156      HE  %X5th.|
                           Why dye none for loue nowe? Because women are become
P'doxes  DT1.181  156r-v   HE|
                           Why doe young lay-men soe much study Divinity?
P'doxes  DT1.182  156v-57  HE|
                           Why hath the Common opinion afforded women Soules?
P'doxes  DT1.183  157r-v   HE| / %XWhy are the ffairest falsest?
                           I meane not of false Alcumy%-beauty, for then ye question
P'doxes  DT1.184  157v-58  HE| / %XWhy haue Bastards best fortune
                           Because ffortune herself is a whore, but such are not ye
P'doxes  DT1.185  158      HE| / %XWhy Puritans make longest Sermons.|
                           If needs not for perspicuousnes, ffor God knowes they are
P'doxes  DT1.186  158v-59  HE / %XWhy doth the Poxe soe much affect / 
                               %Xto vndermine the nose.?
                           Paracelsus perchance sayes true, yt euery disease hath
P'doxes  DT1.187  159      HE| / Why doe women delight soe much in feathers?
                           They thinke yt feathers imitate wings, & soe shewe
P'doxes  DT1.188  159r-v   HE| / Why are Statesmen most incredulous?
                           Are they all wise enough to followe their excellent
P'doxes  DT1.189  159v-60v HE  %XWhy Venus starr only doth cast / %Xa Shaddowe.|
                           Is it because it is nearer the Earth? But they, whose
P'doxes  DT1.190  160v-61  HE  %XWhy is Venus starr Multi=nominous, / 
                               %Xcalled both Hesperus, & Vesper?
                           The Moone hath as many names, but not as shee is a
P'doxes  DT1.191  161r-v   HE  %XWhy are newe Officers least oppressinge?|
                           Must the old Proverbe, That old Doggs bite sorest
P'doxes  DT1.192  161v     HE  Why is there more variety of Greene, / %Xthen of other Collours?
                           Is it because it is the figure of youth, wherein Na=/ture


[Items DT2.1-16, on ff. 162-70v, are noncanonical.]
ElServe  DT2.17   170v-71  HE  %XBee not so coye.%-   [ll. 11-20 and 35-46 only]
                           When my soule, was in her owne bodie sheathd [l.11]
Canon    DT2.18   171-72   HE  om
                           For gods sake holde your tongue, and lett me loue
[Items DT2.19-77, on ff. 172-200v, are noncanonical.]
Commun   DT2.78   200v-01  HE  om
                           Good we* must loue, and must hate ill
GoodM    DT2.79   201      HE  om
                           I wonder by my troth what thou and I
ElAut    DT2.80   201v-02  HE  om
                           Noe spring nor Summer beauty hath such grace
Leg      DT2.81   202v     HE  om     [ll. 9-24 only]
                           I heard me say tell her anone [l. 9]
noncan   DT2.82   202v     HE  %XEpigram:
                           Here six foote deepe
WomCon   DT2.83   203      HE  om
                           Now thou hast lou'd me one whole day
noncan   DT2.84.A 203      HE  om
                           Quid pluma leuius? puluis, quid puluere? Ventus
         DT2.84.B 203      [translation] Dust is lighter then a Feather
Damp     DT2.85   207v-08  HE  om
                           When I am dead, and Doctors know not why
[Items DT2.86-115, on ff. 208-228, are noncanonical.]
Fever    DT2.116  228r-v   HE  %XOn his Mrs being sick of / %XA burning feauer.
                           Oh doe not die; for I shall hate   [SS: Iohn Chudleigh.]
noncan   DT2.117  228v-229 HE  om
                           Sitting and readie to be drawne
noncan   DT2.118  229v-30  HE  %XThe portraiture of Mrs / %XElizabeth Paulet
                           See here the liuely portraiture of Natures heire
noncan   DT2.119  230r-v   HE  %XTo his Mrs as shee sate playing / %Xon the Lute
                           When whispring streynes, wth creeping wynd
noncan   DT2.120  231r-v   HE  %XTo his Mrs in the prayse / %Xof Mu*ick
                           When Orpheus sweetely did complaine
Bait     DT2.121  231v-32  HE  om
                           Come liue wth me, and be my loue   [SS: Sr Hen: Wotton.]
[Items DT2.122-33, on ff. 232-38v, are noncanonical.]
LovDeity DT2.134  238v-39  HE  %XOn the same subiect by / %XDr Donne.
                           I long to talke wth some old Louers Ghost
noncan   DT2.135  239r-v   HE  %XLoues immutabilitie.
                           There is noe Louer, hee or shee
noncan   DT2.136  240r-v   HE  %XVpon the crowne of a hatt / %Xdranke in for want of a cupp.
                           Well fare those three that when there was a dearth
noncan   DT2.137  240v-41  HE  %XA religious Vse of taking / %XTobacco.
                           The Indian Weede withered quite
ElPart   DT2.138  241-43   HE  %XVpon his Mrs her enforced / %Xdeparture  [ll. 1-94 only]
                           Since shee must goe and I must mourne come night   
                           [SS: Sr Fran: Wryothlesse]
[Items DT2.139-44, on ff. 243-46, are noncanonical.]
Twick    DT2.145  246r-v   HE  %XThe greife of Loue
                           Blasted wth sighes and surrounded wth teares
[Items DT2.146-70, on ff. 246v-58v, are noncanonical.]
Mark     DT2.171  258v-60  HE  %XOn the death of the Lady / %XMarkeham.
                           Man is the world, and death the Ocean
[Items DT2.172-80, on ff. 260-64, are noncanonical.]
HuntUn   DT2.181  264-66v  HE  %XSr Walter Aston to the Countesse / %Xof Huntington.
                           That vnripe side of Earth; that heauy clime
[The remaining items, on ff. 266v-79v, are noncanonical.]

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