Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next image The 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 16, cont., and Letter 17 (p.42)

place in your love, I would not forbear to
tell you so. If I shall also tell you, that when
this place affords any thing worth your
hearing, I will be your relator, I think I take
so long a day, as you would forget the debt,
it appears yet to be so barren. Howsoever
with every commodity, I shall say some-
thing, though it be but a descant upon this
plain song, that I am
Line omitted
Your affectionate servant
J. Donne.

To all my friends: Sir H. Goodere.

I am not weary of writing; it is the
course but durable garment of my love;
but I am weary of wanting you. I have a
minde like those bodies, which have hot
Livers, and cold stomachs; or such a dis-
temper as travelled me at Paris; a Fever,
and dysentery: in which, that which is phy-
sick to one infirmity, nourishes the other.
So I abhor nothing more then sadnesse, ex-
cept the ordinary remedy, change of com-
[CW: pany.]

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