Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next imageThe 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 96, cont. (p.265)

ters of Letters is in respect of the testimo-
nies of friendship; but obey the corrupti-
on of this place, and fill your Letters
with worse stuffe then your own. Present
my service to all those Gentlemen whom I
had the honour to serve at our lodging, I
cannot flie an higher pitch, then to say, that
I am so much their servants as you can say I
am. At the Queens armes in Cheapside,
which is a Mercers, you may hear of one
M. John Brewer, who will convay any Let-
ter directed to me at Sir Rob. Druries at
Amiens, though he know not me: and I
should be glad to hear that this first that I
sent into England had the fortune to finde


J. Donne.
[CW: To]

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