Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next imageThe 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 77, cont., and Letter 78 (p.217)

is. I must end now, else the carrier will be
gone. God be with you.
Yours intirely.
You know me without a name, and I know
not how this Letter goes.

To Sir H. G.

I had destined all this Tuesday, for the
Court, because it is both a Sermon day,
and the first day of the Kings being here. Be-
fore I was to go forth, I had made up this
inclosed pacquet for you, and then came
this messenger with your pacquet, of which
if you can remember the number, you can-
not expect any account thereof from me,
who have not half an hour left me before
I go forth, and your messenger speakes of a
necessity of returning homward before my
returning home. If upon the delivery of
them, or any other occasion, there intervene
new subject of writing, I shall relieve my
[CW: self]

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