Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next image The 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 34, cont. (p.101)

near you of all the impresssions of Religion,
may have testified such an indifferency, as
hath occasioned some to further such incli-
nations, as they have mistaken to be in you.
This I have feared, because hertofore the in-
obedient Puritans, and now the over-obe-
dient Papists attempt you. It hath hurt ve-
ry many, not in their conscience, nor ends,
but in their reputation, and ways, that o-
thers have thought them fit to be wrought
upon. As some bodies are as wholesomly
nourished as ours, with Akornes, and en-
dure nakednesse, both which would be
dangerous to us, if we for them should leave
our former habits, though theirs were the
Primitive diet and custome: so are many
souls well fed with such formes, and dres-
sings of Religion, as would distemper and
misbecome us, and make us corrupt to-
wards God, if any humane circumstance
moved it, and in the opinion of men,
though none. You shall seldome see a
Coyne, upon which the stamp were re-
moved, though to imprint it better, but it
[CW: looks]

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