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Fun ["Who ever comes to shrowde mee, doe not harme"]

Therfore Ile giue no more; but ile vndoe
The world by dyinge, because loue dies too:
Then all your beauties will bee no more worth,
Then golden mines, where none doth draw it forth.
And all your graces no more vse shall haue
Then a Sun diall in a graue
Thou loue taughst mee, by making mee
Loue her, who doth neglect both thee and mee
To invent and practise this one waye to annihilate all ***.|

The Funerall

Who ever comes to shrowde mee, doe not harme
Nor question mvch
This subtile wreath of haire, which crownes mine arme
The Misterie, the signe, yow mvst not touch,
For tis my owtward soule
Viceroy to that, which then to heauen being gone
Will leaue this to controwle
And keepe those lim̅s, her Prouinces from dissolution

For if the sinew=thred my brayne letts fall
Through every parte
Cann tye those partes, and make mee one of all,
Thes haires which vpward growe, and strength and art
Haue from a better braine
Can better doe it; Except shee ment that I
By this should know my paine
As Prisoners then are manacled when they are condemd to die