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ElBrac ["Not that in colour it seemd like thy haire,"]

Their crownes are circumcisd most Iewishlye.
Or were they Spanish stamps still trauellinge
That are become as Catholique as their kinge,
Those vnlickt beare=whelps, vnfilld Pistoletts
That more then Cannon shott availes or lets,
Which negligently left vnrounded, looke
Like many angled figures in the booke
Of some great Coniurer, which would inforce
Nature, as thes doe iustice, from her course;
Which as the Soule quickens head, feete, and hart.
As streames like veins rvns through the Earths every part
Visit all countries, and haue slily made
Gorgious France ruind, ragged, and decaid;
Countries which knew no state proud in one daie
And mangled seaventeene headed Belgia:
Or were it such gold as that, wherewithall,
Almightie Chimicks from each minerall
Havinge by subtile fire a Soule out-puld
Are durtilye, and desperately guld;
I would not Spitt to quench the fire they were in
For they are guiltie of much hainous Sine.
But shall my harmless Angells perish? shall
I loose my guard, my ease, my foode, my all?
Much hope which they should nowrish will bee dead
Mvch of my able youth, and lustie=head
Will vanish; if thou loue let them alone
For thou wilt loue mee less when they are gone,
Oh bee content that some lowd squeaking Crier
Well pleasd with one leane thredbare groat for hire
May like a Deuill rore through euery streete,
And gall the finders concience if they meete: [CW: Or]