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Cor1 ["Deigne at my hand this Crowne of prayer and praise"]

Diuine Poem*

La Corona

1 Deigne at my hand this Crowne of prayer and praise
Weand in my lowe deuout Melancholye
Thou which of good hast, yet art treasurie
All changing vnchangd, Ancient of daies
But doe not with a vile crowne of fraile ba[ie]s
Reward my Muses white synceritie
But what thy thorny crowne gaind, that giue mee
A crowne of glorie, which doth flower alwaies
The ends crowne our workes, but thou crownst our ends
For at our end, beginns our endles rest
This first last end, now zealously possest
With a strong sober thirst my soule attends;
Tis tyme that hart and voice bee lifted high
Saluation to all that will is nigh


2 Saluation vnto all that will is nigh
That all which alwaies is all, everie where
Which cannot sinne, and yet all sinns mvst beare
Which cannot die, yet cannot choose but dye
Lo, faythfull virgin, yeilds himselfe to lye
In prison in thy wombe, and though hee there
Can take no sinne, nor thou giue, yet hee will weare
(Taken from thence) flesh, which deaths force may trie
Eare by this spheares tyme was created, thou
Wast in his minde who is thy sonne and brother
Whome thou coceaust conceaud, yea thou art now
Thy makers Maker, and thy fathers Mother
Thou hast light in darke, and shutst in littell roo[missing]
Immensitye, cloystered in thy deer wombe.