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BedfReas ["Reason is our Soules left hand, Fayth her right,"]

Butt soone the reasons, why yow are loud by all
Growe infinite, and soe passe Reasons reach.
Then back againe to implicitie, Faith I call,
And rest, on what the Catholique Voyce doth teach.

That you are good: and not one Heretique
Denies itt: if hee did, yett yow are soe;
For Rocks, which high topd, and deepe rooted sticke,
Waues Wash, not Vndermine, nor Overthrow.

In everie thinge there naturally growes
A Balsamum, to keepe itt fresh, and new
Ift twere not iniurd by Extrinsique blowes:
Your birth, and beautie, are this Balme in yow.

But yow of learninge, and Religion,
And Vertue, and such Ingredients, haue made
A Methridate, whose operation
Keepes off, or cures, what can be done, or said.

Yett this is not your Physick, but your Food:
A Diett fitt for you, for yow are here
The first good Angell, since the worlds frame stood,
That ever did in womans shape appeare.

Since yow are then Gods Master-Peece, and so
His Factour for our loues; doe as you doe,
Make your retourne home gratious; and bestowe
This life on that, soe make one life of two
For (so God help mee) I would not misse you there
For all the good, which yow can doe mee here.|