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HWNews ["Here is no more newes then vertue: I may as well"]

Bee strong enough, and Nature doe admitt
Seauen to bee borne att once, I send as yett
Butt six, they saie the Seauenth hath still some Maime,
I choose your iudgment, which the same degree
Doth with her sister, your invention hold
As fire these drossie rimes to purifie;
Or as Elixar, to change them to Gold;
Yow are that Alchimist, which allwaies had
Witt, whose one sparke could make good things of bad.

To: M.r: H: W:

Here is no more newes then vertue: I may as well
Tell yow Cales, or St Michells tale for newes, as tell
That Vice doth here habitually dwell.

Yett as for stomacks, wee walke vp, and downe
And toyle to sweeten rest, so maie God frowne
If but to loth both, I hant Court, or towne.

For heere no one is from the extremitie
Of vice, by any other reason free,
But that the next to him still, is worse then hee

In this worldes warfare, they whome rugged fate,
Gods commissarie doth so throughly hate,
As in the Courtes sqadrons to Marshall their state.

If they stand armd with silly honestie
With wishing Prayers, And neate Integritie.
Like Indians, gainst Spanish hosts they bee.