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Har ["Faire soule, which wast, not onely,'as all soules bee,"]

So youth bee easiest to destruction
If then wee follow all, or follow none.
Yet as in great clocks, which in steeples chyme,
Placd to informe whole Townes to imploy their tyme.
An Errour doth more harme being generall,
When small clocks faltes, only on the wearer fall.
So worke the faults or age, on which the Eie
Of chyldren, Seruants or the State relie.
Why wouldst not thou then, which hadst such a Soule,
A clock soe true, as might the Sun controwle,
And daly hadst from him, who gaue itt thee,
Instruction, such as it could never bee,
Disordered stay, here as a Generall
And great Sundiall to haue tell vs all?
O why wouldst thou bee any Instrument
To this Vnnaturall course, or why consent
To this not Miracle, butt Prodigie,
That where the Ebbs, longer then flowings bee
Virtue whose flud did with thy youth begin
Should so mvch faster Ebb out, then, flowe in?
Though her flood were blowne in by thy first breath,
All is att once sunck, in the Whirlepoole Death.
Which now I would not name, not that I see
Death els a Desart, is a Court by thee.
Now I growe sure that if a man would haue
Good companye, his entry is a Graue;
Me thinks all Cyties now but Ant hills bee
Where when the seuerall labourers I see
For Chyldren, howse, prouision takyng paine
They are all but Ants, carying eggs, strawe or graine.