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ConfL ["Some man vnworthy to bee possessour"]


Some man vnworthy to bee possessour
Of old or new loue, him selfe being false or weake
Thought his paine, or shame would bee the lesser,
If on womankinde hee mought his anger wreake;
And thence A law did growe,
One should but one man knowe:
But are other creatures soe?

Are Svn Moone or Starrs by law forbidden
To smile where they list, or lend awaie their light?
Are birds diuorct, or are they chidden
If they leaue their Mate, or lie abroad a night?
Bests did no ioynters lose,
Though they new lovers chose;
But wee are made worse, then those.

Who ere riggd faire ship to lie in harbours
And not to seeke new lands, or not to deale with all?
Or build faire howses, sett trees, and Arbours,
Only to lock up, or els to lett them fall?
Good is not good vnlesse
A thousand itt possesse
But doth waste with greedinesse.|


Sweetest Loue I doe not goe, for wearines of thee,
Nor in hope the world can show a fitter loue for mee;
But since that I
Must die att last, tis best, to vse my selfe in iest,
Thus by faind deaths to die. [CW: yesternight]