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Dream ["Deare loue for nothing lesse then thee"]

Make mee a Mandrake, soe I may groane heere
Or a stone fountaine, weepinge out my Yeare:
Hether with cristall vialls louers come
And take my teares, which are loues wine
And trie your Mistresse teares att home,
For all are false, that taste not iust like myne
Alass harts doe not in eies shine
Nor can yow more iudge womens thoughts by teares
Then by her shadowe, what shee weares
O perverse sexe where none is true but shee
Whos therefore true because her truth kills mee

The Dreame

Deare loue for nothing lesse then thee
Would I haue broke this happie dreame
Itt was a theame
For reason, Much too strong for fantasie
Therfore thou wakst mee wisely; yett
My dreame thou brokst not, but continvedst itt:
Thou art soe truth, and fables Histories
Enter these armes, for since thou thoughtst itt best
Nott too dreame all my dreame, lets acte the rest

As lighteninge or a Tapers light
Thine eyes and not this noyse wakd mee
Yett I thought thee
(Thou loust truth) but an Angell at first sight
But when I saw thou sawst my hart.