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WomCon ["Now thou hast loud mee one whole daye,"]

Womans Constancie

Now thou hast loud mee one whole daye,
To morrowe when thou leaust, what wilt thou saye?
Wilt thou then Antedate some new made vowe
Or saie that now
Wee are not iust those persons, which wee were?
Or that oathes made in reuerentiall feare
Of loue, and his wrath any may forsweare?
Or as true deaths true Mariages vntie,
Soe lovers contracts, Images of those
Bynde but till sleepe, Deaths Image them vnlose,
Or your owne end to iustifie
For having purposd change and falshood, yow
Can haue noe waie, but falshood to bee trwe:
Vaine Lunatique, against those scapes I could
Dispute, and conquer, if I would,
Which I abstaine to doe
For by to morrowe I may thinke soe too.|


Oh doe not dye, for I shall hate
All women soe when thou art gone
That thee I shall not celebrate
When I remember thou wast one.

But yet thou canst not die I knowe,
To leaue this worlde behinde is death:
But when thou from this world wilt goe,
The whole World Vapours with thy breath.