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Fare:    Farewell to Love ["Whilst yet to prove"]    pp. 311 - 312
noncan:    "Love if a god thou art"    p. 312
noncan:    "Great Lord of love, how busy still thou art--"    p. 313
noncan:    "To sue for all thy Love, and thy whole heart"    p. 314
:    blank pages    pp. 315 - 316
EpEliz:    Epithalamions Upon frederick Count Palatine and the Lady    pp. 317 - 321
EpLin:    Epithalamion on a Citizen. ["The Sun beams in the East are spred"]    pp. 321 - 325
Eclog:    Eclogue. 1613. December 26. ["Unseasonable man, statue of ice"]    pp. 325 - 335
noncan:    On a Lady's Window looking towards the Thames ["She that through glass"]    p. 336
Martial:    Raderus ["Why this man guelded Martial I muse"]    p. 336
Antiq:    Epigrams ["If in his study Hamon hath such care"]    p. 337
noncan:    In Rabulam ["Hinc te nec Satyrae nec saua Epigramata mordent"]    p. 337
Disinher:    "Thy father all from thee by his last will"]    p. 337
Liar:    "Thou in the fields walkst out thy supping hours"    p. 337
Merc:    Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus ["Like Esops fellow Slaves"]    p. 337
Phrine:    "Thy flatt'ring picture Phryne is like thee"    p. 337
Philo:    "Philo with 12 years"    p. 338
Klock:    "Klockius so deeply"    p. 338
Ralph:    "Compassion in the world"    p. 338
Wing:    On Canallero Wingfeild ["Beyond th' old Pillars"]    p. 338
Cales:    Cales and Guyana ["If you from spoil of th'old world's farthest end"]    p. 338
Pyr:    Pyramus and Thisbe ["Two by themselves each other"]    p. 338
Licent:    "Thy Sins and hayres may no man equal call"    p. 338
Niobe:    Niobe ["By Children's birth and death I am become"]    p. 339
Ship:    De Naue arsa ["Out of a fired ship, c.ch by no way"]    p. 339
Beggar:    Toppo ["I am unable, yonder begger cries"]    p. 339
Hero:    Hero and Leander ["Both robbed of Air we both lie in one ground"]    p. 339
Wall:    Caeso dum Muro ["Under an undermined and Shott-bruised wall"]    p. 339
SelfAc:    "Your Mistress that you follow whores"    p. 339
:    blank pages    p. 400
Para:        pp. 401 - 440
:    blank pages    pp. 441 - 462
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