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ED:    To E. of D. with Six Holy Sonnets ["See, Sir, how as the sun's"]    p. 176
HWVenice:    To Sir H. W. at His Going Ambassador to Venice ["After those reverend papers"]    pp. 176 - 178
MHPaper:    To Mrs. M. H. ["Mad paper stay"]    pp. 178 - 180
BedfHon:    To the Countess of Bedford ["Honor is so sublime"]    pp. 180 - 182
HuntUn:    To the Countess of Huntingdon ["That unripe side of earth"]    pp. 182 - 186
noncan:    A Dialogue betweene Sr Henry Wotton, and Mr Donne ["If her disdaine"]    pp. 186 - 187
BedfDead:    To the Countess of Bedford ["Though I be dead and buried"]    pp. 187 - 188
Carey:    A Letter to the Lady Carey and Mrs. Essex Rich ["Here where by all"]    pp. 188 - 191
Sal:    To the Countess of Salisbury ["Fair, great, and good"]    pp. 191 - 193
BedfShe:    Elegy to the Lady Bedford ["You that are she"]    pp. 193 - 195
Sappho:    Sappho to Philaenis ["Where is that holy fire"]    pp. 195 - 197
noncan:    To Ben. Iohnson, 6 Ian. 1603 ["The State and mens affaires"]    pp. 197 - 198
noncan:    To Ben. Iohnson, 9. Novembrie, 1603 ["If great men wrong me"]    pp. 198 - 199
noncan:    To Sir Tho. Rowe. 1603 ["Deare Tom: Tell her if she to hired servants shew"]    pp. 199 - 200
noncan:    To the praise of the dead, and the Anatomy (by Joseph Hall) ["Well dy'd the World"]    pp. 201 - 202
FirAn:    The First Anniversary. An Anatomy of the World ["When that rich soul"]    pp. 203 - 217
FunEl:    A Funeral Elegy ["'Tis lost to trust a tomb"]    pp. 217 - 220
Harb:    The Harbinger to the Progresse (by Joseph Hall) ["Two Soules move here"]    pp. 221 - 222
SecAn:    The Second Anniv ["Nothing could make me sooner"]    pp. 223 - 238
Henry:    Elegy on the Untimely Death of ... Prince Henry ["Look to me faith"]    pp. 239 - 242
Har-ltr:    To the Countesse of Bedford ["Madame, I Have learned by those lawes"]    pp. 242 - 243
Har:    Obsequies upon the Lord Harrington ["Fair soul, which wast not only"]    pp. 243 - 251
Mark:    Elegie on the Lady Markham ["Man is the world"]    pp. 251 - 252
BoulRec:    Elegy on Mrs. Boulstrode ["Death, I recant"]    pp. 253 - 255
ElFatal:    On His Mistress ["By our first strange and fatal interview"]    pp. 255 - 257
BedfCab:    Epitaph on Himself: To the Countess of Bedford ["My fortune and my choice"]    p. 257
BedfCab:    Epitaph on Himself: To the Countess of Bedford ["That I might make your cabinet"]    pp. 257 - 258
noncan:    Elegy on Mistris Boulstred ["Death be not proud"]    pp. 258 - 259
Sorrow:    Elegia ["Sorrow, who to this house"]    pp. 259 - 260
Coryat:    Upon Mr. Thomas Coryat's Crudities ["Oh to what height"]    pp. 260 - 263
Token:    Sonnet. The Token ["Send me some token"]    p. 263
prose:    Hen. Goodeere ["Etiam vulgari lingua scriptae"]    pp. 264 - 265
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