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Order by    Poem   Page  
:    front matter    pp. -12 - -5
:    back matter    pp. 407 - 411
Air:    Air and Angels ["Twice or thrice had I loved"]    pp. 211 - 212
Anniv:    The Anniversary ["All kings and all their favorites"]    pp. 213 - 214
Annun:    Upon the Annunciation and Passion ["Tamely frail body"]    pp. 168 - 169
Antiq:    Antiquary ["If in his study"]    p. 42
Appar:    The Apparition ["When by thy scorn"]    p. 191
Bait:    The Bait ["Come live with me"]    pp. 190 - 191
BB:    To Mr. B.B. ["Is not thy sacred hunger"]    pp. 99 - 100
BedfDead:    To the Countess of Bedford: Begun in France ["Though I be dead and buried"]    p. 111
BedfHon:    To the Countess of Bedford ["Honor is so sublime"]    pp. 108 - 110
BedfReas:    To the Countess of Bedford ["Reason is our soul's left hand"]    pp. 77 - 79
BedfRef:    To the Countess of Bedford ["You have refined me"]    pp. 79 - 82
BedfShe:    Elegy to the Lady Bedford ["You that are she"]    pp. 298 - 299
BedfTwi:    To the Countess of Bedford: On New-Year's Day ["This twilight of two years"]    pp. 87 - 90
BedfWrit:    To the Countess of Bedford ["To have written then"]    pp. 84 - 87
Beggar:    A Lame Beggar ["I am unable, yonder beggar cries"]    p. 41
Blos:    The Blossom ["Little thinkest thou"]    pp. 286 - 287
BoulNar:    Elegy upon the Death of Mrs. Boulstrode ["Language thou art too narrow"]    pp. 296 - 298
BoulRec:    Elegy on Mrs. Boulstrode ["Death, I recant"]    pp. 69 - 71
Break:    Break of Day ["'Tis true, 'tis day"]    p. 212
Broken:    The Broken Heart ["He is stark mad"]    pp. 192 - 193
Calm:    The Calm ["Our storm is past"]    pp. 59 - 61
Canon:    The Canonization ["For God's sake hold your tongue"]    pp. 202 - 204
Carey:    A Letter to the Lady Carey and Mrs. Essex Rich ["Here where by all"]    pp. 112 - 115
CB:    To Mr. C. B. ["Thy friend whom thy deserts"]    p. 97
Christ:    A Hymn to Christ at the Author's Last Going into Germany ["In what torn ship soever"]    pp. 304 - 305
Commun:    Community ["Good we must love"]    p. 222
Compu:    The Computation ["For the first twenty years"]    p. 295
ConfL:    Confined Love ["Some man unworthy"]    p. 226
Cor1:    La Corona ["Deign at my hands"]    p. 28
Cor2:    Annunciation ["Salvation to all that will is nigh"]    pp. 28 - 29
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