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Even like a faythfull man, content [325]
That this life for a better should bee spent
So shee a Mothers rich Stile doth prferre
And at the Bridegroomes wishd approche doth lye
Like an appoynted Lamb, when tenderly
The Priest comes on his knees t'embowell her,
Now sleepe or watch with more ioye; and Ô light
Of heauen, to morrow, rise thou hot and early
Thys Sunne will loue so dearly
Her rest, that long long wee shall want her sight
Wonders ar wrought, for shee w.ch had no maime
To night puts on Perfection, and a womans name
Eclogue. 1613. Decembr 26.
Allophanes finding Idios in the Country in the
Christmas, reprhends his Absence from Cort at
the Marriage of the Earle of Somerset
Idios giues an account of his purpose
therein, and of his Actions there.
Vnseasonable man, statue of Ice
What could to Countryes solitude entice
Thee in this yeares cold and decrepit Time?
Natures Instinct drawes to the warmer clime
Even small birds, who by that Courage dare
In numerous fleets sayle through theyr Sea ye Ayre

[CW: What___]