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ffarwell to Loue.
Whilst yet to proue [311]
I thought there was Some Deity in loue
So did I reverence, and gaue,
Worship, as Atheists at theyr dying hower
Call what they cannot name an vnknowne power
As ignorantly did I craue
Thus when
Things not yet knowne ar coueted by men
Our desires giue them fashion, and so
As they waxe lesser, fall, as they size, growe
But, from late fayre
His Highnesse sitting in a golden chayre
Is not lesse care'd for after three dayes
By children, then the thing wch. louers so
Blindly admire, and with such worship wooe
Beeing had, enioying it decayes
And thence
What before pleasd them all takes but one sence
And that so lamely, as it leaues behind
A kind of sorrowing dulnesse to the mind
Ah cannot wee
As well as Cocks and Lyons iocund bee
After such pleasures, vnlesse wise
Nature decreed (Since each such Act, they say,
Diminisheth the length of life a day)
This; as Shee would man should despise
The Sport
Because that other curse of beeing short
And onely for a minute made to bee
Eager, desires to rayse posterity

[CW: Since so___]