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Some man vnworthy to bee possessor [299]
Of old or new loue, himselfe beeing false or weake
Thought his payne and shame would bee lesser
If on woman kind hee might his anger wreake
And thence a Law did growe
One should but one Man knowe
But ar other creatures so?
Ar Sunne Moone or starrs by Law forbidden
To smile where they list and lend away theyr light?
Ar birds diuorc'd or are they chidden
If they leaue theyr mate or lye abroad a night?
Beasts doe no Ioynters loose
Though they new louers choose
But wee are made worse then those
Who e're riggd fayre shipp to lye in harbours
And not to seeke new lands, or not to deale withall
Or built fayre houses, sett trees, and Arbours
Onely to locke them vp or else to let them fall?
Good is not good vnlesse
A thousand it possesse
But doth wast with greedinesse

[CW: Good wee___]